Static GK Quiz for RRB NTPC & SSC CHSL, CGL: Set 209


Static GK Quiz

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Static GK Quiz plays a vital role in all competitive examinations. A major Number of questions were asked from Static General Awareness Topics in an examination such as; Bank, SSC, Railway & CLAT. There is a feast of PDF materials were available online for Static GK Questions. But we can’t find the par excellence materials which cover all important General Awareness Questions MCQs. We ExamsCart Team have provided a complete list of Expected Static General Knowledge Questions on each topic. This Page contains Static GK Quiz of all important topics from which we can expect questions in competitive examination.

Take all the chapters of Static GK for Bank PO and Clerk Exams. This Static GK Quiz are important for IBPS RRB, PO, Clerk, Railway & SSC Exams.

Static GK Quiz

Static GK Quiz: Set 209


  1. The Surajkund International Crafts Mela is organised annually in which state?
    A) Uttar Pradesh
    B) Haryana
    C) Maharashtra
    D) Gujarat
  2. What is the currency of Maldives?
    A) Dollar
    B) Rufiyaa
    C) Euro
    D) Rupee
  3. What is the Tagline of “Punjab National Bank”?
    A) The world’s local bank
    B) Your right partner
    C) The bank with a vision
    D) The name you can bank upon
  4. Kufri, a small hill station, is located in which state?
    A) Himachal Pradesh
    B) Uttarakhand
    C) Jammu & Kashmir
    D) Sikkim
  5. Which city is known as the “Cashew Capital of World”?
    A) Allapuzha
    B) Kollam
    C) Panaji
    D) Ratnagiri
    View answer
    Option B
  6. Where is the headquarter of International Energy Agency located?
    A) New York
    B) Paris
    C) Geneva
    D) Washington D.C.
  7. Which of the following player is related to skiing?
    A) Paula Radcliffe
    B) Lindsey Vonn
    C) Lionel Messi
    D) Lewis Hamilton
  8. Which of the following city is situated at the bank of river Yamuna?
    A) Agra
    B) Ayodhya
    C) Kanpur
    D) Kannauj
  9. Where is the Pulicat Lake Bird Sanctuary present?
    A) Kerela
    B) Andhra Pradesh
    C) Himachal Pradesh
    D) Karnataka
  10. Who is the Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation?
    A) Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari
    B) Shri Suresh Prabhu
    C) Shri Jual Ram
    D) Shri Piyush Goyal


1. B) Haryana 2. B) Rufiyaa
3. D) The name you can bank upon 4. A) Himachal Pradesh
5. B) Kollam 6. B) Paris
7. B) Lindsey Vonn 8. A) Agra
9. B) Andhra Pradesh 10. D) Shri Piyush Goyal



Read More:

1. Complete General Knowledge/GS Preparation Bag Click Here
2. Static Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
3. English Preparation Bag Click Here
4. Banking Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
5. Data Interpretation Preparation Bag Click Here
6. Quant Preparation Bag Click Here
7. Computer Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
8. Reasoning Preparation Bag Click Here
9. Daily Current Affairs Click Here
10. Monthly Current Affairs PDF Click Here
11. Daily Current Affairs Quiz Click Here



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