Static GK Quiz
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Static GK Quiz plays a vital role in all competitive examinations. A major Number of questions were asked from Static General Awareness Topics in an examination such as; Bank, SSC, Railway & CLAT. There is a feast of PDF materials were available online for Static GK Questions. But we can’t find the par excellence materials which cover all important General Awareness Questions MCQs. We ExamsCart Team have provided a complete list of Expected Static General Knowledge Questions on each topic. This Page contains Static GK Quiz of all important topics from which we can expect questions in competitive examination.
Take all the chapters of Static GK quiz for Bank PO and Clerk Exams. This Static GK Quiz are important for IBPS RRB, PO, Clerk, Railway & SSC Exams.
Static GK Quiz: Set 205
- Where is the Pench Tiger Reserve located?
A) Madhya Pradesh
B) Uttar Pradesh
C) Karnataka
D) Gujarat - Which of the following department is not handled by Union Minister Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari?
A) Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
B) Ministry of Shipping
C) Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation
D) Ministry of Road Transport and Highways - Which of the following museum is not a part of the Kranti Mandir, recently inaugurated at the Red Fort complex, New Delhi?
A) Museum on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and Indian National Army
B) Salar Jung Museum
C) Museum on 1857-India’s First War of Independence
D) Drishyakala- a Museum on Indian Art - Which of the following book is written by Rudyard Kipling?
A) The Flight of Pigeons
B) The Jungle Book
C) Swami and Friends
D) A Pair of Blue Eyes - When is the International Holocaust Day observed?
A) 27th Jan
B) 25th Jan
C) 1st Feb
D) 2nd Feb - Singhi Chham, Yak Chham are dance forms of which state?
A) Sikkim
B) Arunachal Pradesh
C) Andhra Pradesh
D) West Bengal - What is the full form of ISRO?
A) International Space Research Organization
B) Indian Satellite Resource Organization
C) Indian Space Research Organization
D) International Space Registered Organization - Aparna Popat is related to which sport?
A) Table Tennis
B) Lawn Tennis
C) Badminton
D) Shooting - Which of the following bird sanctuary is present in Rajasthan?
A) Bonal Bird Sanctuary
B) Mayani Bird Sanctuary
C) Chintrangudi Bird Sanctuary
D) Khichan Bird Sanctuary - What is the capital of Sudan?
A) Berne
B) Khartoum
C) Honiara
D) Ankara
1. A) Madhya Pradesh | 2. A) Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation |
3. B) Salar Jung Museum | 4. B) The Jungle Book |
5. A) 27th Jan | 6. A) Sikkim |
7. C) Indian Space Research Organization | 8. C) Badminton |
9. D) Khichan Bird Sanctuary | 10. B) Khartoum |
Read More:
1. | Complete General Knowledge/GS Preparation Bag | Click Here |
2. | Static Awareness Preparation Bag | Click Here |
3. | English Preparation Bag | Click Here |
4. | Banking Awareness Preparation Bag | Click Here |
5. | Data Interpretation Preparation Bag | Click Here |
6. | Quant Preparation Bag | Click Here |
7. | Computer Awareness Preparation Bag | Click Here |
8. | Reasoning Preparation Bag | Click Here |
9. | Daily Current Affairs | Click Here |
10. | Monthly Current Affairs PDF | Click Here |
11. | Daily Current Affairs Quiz | Click Here |
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