Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC & SSC CHSL, CGL: Set 17


Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway

The reasoning section is the most neglected section by many government job aspirants. Regular practice & revision is the only way to make sure you get full marks in Reasoning. Aspirants must not take this section for granted and attempt quizzes regularly to make sure they ace this section with flying colors. Here, we are providing you with the daily Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway Exams. Attempt Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway daily, analyze your score and revise the topics that are refraining you from scoring full marks in this section. 

Reasoning section contributes majorly in the SSC Exams especially the Tier 1 exams. Candidates must practice the reasoning section thoroughly to make sure you can not miss scoring high marks in this particular section. So, here we are providing Daily Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway.

Reasoning Quiz

Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway: Set 17


Q1. A man is facing North. He turns 45° in the clockwise direction and then another 180° in the same direction and then 270° in the anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?
(a) South
(b) North-west
(c) West
(d) South-west

Q2. One day, Ravi left home and cycled 10 km eastward, turned right and cycled 5 km and turned right and cycled 10 km and turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kilometers will he have to cycle to reach his home straight ?
(a) 10 km
(b) 15 km
(c) 20 km
(d) 25 km

Q3. Kunal walks 10 km towards South. From there he walks 6 km towards North. Then, he walks 3 km towards East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point ?
(a) 6 km West
(b) 7 km West
(c) 7 km East
(d) 5 km North-East

Q4. Ankur walks 20 metres towards south. He then turns left and walks 40 metres. He again turns left and walks 20 metres. Further, he moves 20 metres after turning to the right. How far is he from his original position ?
(a) 20 metres
(b) 30 metres
(c) 50 metres
(d) 40 metres

Q5. Kishan walks southwards. After a while, he turns to his right and a little further to his left. Finally, after walking a distance of one kilometer, he turns to his left again. In which direction is he moving now ?
(a) North
(b) South
(c) East
(d) South West

Q6. A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

?, YZ, DE, JK

(a) VU
(b) UV
(c) TU
(d) TS

Q7. A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series. 2, 3, 7, 16, ?
(a) 21
(b) 30
(c) 32
(d) 23

Q8. A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.0.5, 2, 3.5, ? , 6.5
(a) 5
(b) 4.5
(c) 4
(d) 6

Q9. Mohan, Ritika, Janvi, Priya and Riya are friends. Janvi runs faster than Ritika but slower than Priya. Mohan is the slowest runner and Riya runs faster than Priya. Who runs the fastest among the five?
(a) Priya
(b) Riya
(c) Ritika
(d) Mohan

Q10. Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.
i. Beguile
ii. Bigot
iii. Begun
iv. Bigamy
(a) i, iii, ii, iv
(b) i, iii, iv, ii
(c) i, ii, iii, iv
(d) i, iv, iii, ii

1. D 2. D
3. D 4. D
5. D 6. B
7. C 8. A
9. B 10. B



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