Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC and SSC CHSL, CGL: Set 25


Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC and SSC CHSL

The reasoning section is the most neglected section by many government job aspirants. Regular practice & revision is the only way to make sure you get full marks in Reasoning. Aspirants must not take this section for granted and attempt quizzes regularly to make sure they ace this section with flying colors. Here, we are providing you with the daily Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway Exams. Attempt Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway daily, analyze your score and revise the topics that are refraining you from scoring full marks in this section. 

Reasoning section contributes majorly in the SSC Exams especially the Tier 1 exams. Candidates must practice the reasoning section thoroughly to make sure you can not miss scoring high marks in this particular section. So, here we are providing Daily Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway.

Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC and SSC

Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC and SSC: Set 25

Q1. 7th of April 2014 is a Monday. What day would be 14 August 2014?
(a) Wednesday
(b) Friday
(c) Thursday
(d) Monday

Q2. In the following question select the related word from the given alternative?

Q3. The given Venn diagram represents the sports preference of a group of school students. There are three games : A-Hockey, B-Cricket, C-Squash. How many student play at least one game?

(a) 15
(b) 21
(c) 30
(d) 25

Q4. Choose the figure which is different from the others in the given set.

(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D

Q5. Which of the following correctly represents the relationship between.
1. Eyes
2. Forehead
3. Face

Q6. Out of the four given figures, three are similar in a certain manner. However, one figure is NOT like the other three.

(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D

Q7. Direction : There are statement(s) which are followed by conclusion(s). Choose the conclusion which logically follow from the given statements
Statement: Domestic demand has been increasing faster than the production of indigenous crude oil.
I. Crude oil must be imported
II. Domestic demand should be reduced
(a) If only conclusion I follows;
(b) If only conclusion II follows;
(c) If either I or II follows;
(d) If neither I nor II follows; and

Q8. In a certain language, ‘MEI TOH CHALA’ is coded as ‘mo to yo’, ‘CHALA YE BHI’ is coded as ‘ao mo xo’, ‘MEI PAR TOH’ is coded as ‘ho yo to’, What is the code for ‘YE MEI BHI’ in that language?
(a) ao to xo
(b) ho to yo
(c) ao xo yo
(d) ‘ao xo yo’ OR ‘ao to xo’

Q9. How many triangles are there in the following figure?

(a) 16
(b) 18
(c) 22
(d) more than 23

Q10. Choose figure that is different from the rest.

(a) b
(b) c
(c) e
(d) a


1. C 2. A
3. C 4. D
5. C 6. D
7. C 8. D
9. D 10. B



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8. Reasoning Preparation Bag Click Here
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