General Knowledge and General Studies Quiz
Dear Readers, As we all know that General Knowledge and General Studies is very crucial area in competitive exams and most of the students feel great difficulties to score in it. A good base in General Knowledge is very important for clearing any competitive exams. Tackling these exams you should develop a good understanding of the things happening around them.
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ExamsCart General Knowledge Online Tests include a wide range of General Knowledge and General Awareness Questions and Answers in General Knowledge Quiz form. These Online General Knowledge Tests cover all those topics which can be useful for any Competitive Exams.
General Knowledge and General Studies Quiz: Set 201
Q1. Which of the following rulers was called Indian Napolean by V. A. Smith? 2) Samudragupta
1) Chandragupta I
2) Samudragupta
3) Kumargupta
4) Skandgupta
Q2. Who is considered as the greatest Chola ruler? 3) Rajendra I
1) Paranlaka I
2) Raja Raja I
3) Rajendra I
4) Klulottanga I
Q3. Which of the following pairs is matched correctly? 3) I, II and III
I. Rashtrakutas – Dantidurga
II. Kadamba – Mayurasarmas
III. Hoysalas – Sala
Correct code is –
1) Only I
2) Only I and II
3) I, II and III
4) Only II and III
Q4. Which of the following pairs is/ are matched correctly? 4) I, II and III
I. United East India Company of the Netherlands – 1602 AD
II. French East India Company – 1664
III. English East India Company – 1600 AD
Correct code is –
1) Only III
2) Only I and III
3) Only I
4) I, II and III
Q5. _______- was the first Indian native ruler to accept the system of subsidiary alliance. 2) Nizam of Hyderabad
1) Scindia of Gwalior
2) Nizam of Hyderabad
3) Dalip Singh of Punjab
4) Gaikwad of Boroda
Q6. Where did Gandhiji initially forge the techniques of Satyagraha? 2) South Africa
1) England
2) South Africa
3) North Africa
4) India
Q7. Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of Gandhiji’s Dandi March? 1) Lord Irwin
1) Lord Irwin
2) Lord Linlithgow
3) Lord Reading
4) Lord Willingdon
Q8. Which one among the following American news magazines was highly sceptical of Gandhiji’s Dandi March initially but within a week completely changed its opinion and saluted him as a Saint and Statesman? 3) Time
1) Saturday Evening Post
2) Readers Digest
3) Time
4) Life
Q9. What was Damin-i-Koh in Rajmahal area? 1) A large area of land demarcated and declared to be the land of the Santhals
1) A large area of land demarcated and declared to be the land of the Santhals
2) The land of the Paharias cultivated exclusively for paddy
3) The British territory marked for their military camp
4) The land earmarked for locating settled agriculturists
Q10. Which one of the following statements about the Revolt of 1857 is correct? 4) The British succeeded in quickly and easily controlling the rebels
1) It was a Revolt carefully organised and planned by the Rajas, Nawabs and Taluqdars
2) Rumours and prophecies did not play any role in its outbreak and spread
3) The rebel proclamations in 1857 repeatedly appealed to all sections of the population irrespective of their caste and creed
4) The British succeeded in quickly and easily controlling the rebels
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1. | Complete General Knowledge/GS Preparation Bag | Click Here |
2. | Static Awareness Preparation Bag | Click Here |
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4. | Banking Awareness Preparation Bag | Click Here |
5. | Data Interpretation Preparation Bag | Click Here |
6. | Quant Preparation Bag | Click Here |
7. | Computer Awareness Preparation Bag | Click Here |
8. | Reasoning Preparation Bag | Click Here |
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10. | Monthly Current Affairs PDF | Click Here |
11. | Daily Current Affairs Quiz | Click Here |
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