Dear Readers,
As we all know that General Knowledge and General Studies is very crucial area in competitive exams and most of the students feel great difficulties to score in it. A good base in General Knowledge is very important for clearing any competitive exams. Tackling these exams you should develop a good understanding of the things happening around them.
Many of the Competitive Tests such as the IBPS, RRB, GMAT, GRE, CAT, MAT, SAT, Bank Examinations, IT Company Recruitment Rounds, UPSC, PSC, SSC, SSSC, University Entrance Tests, CDA, NDA and other Tests by the different government as well as the private organizations are including questions on General Knowledge.
This is a very rare place, where all the people will get both the General Knowledge Questions and Answers without searching much. So, apparently, you can try to attempt the General Knowledge Questions. There are a lot of collection of General Questions. And if you do not know the correct answer, you can find out it from the same page itself. This will surely reduce your search time. Hope you are all satisfied with this General Knowledge Questions and Answers.
ExamsCart General Knowledge Online Tests include a wide range of General Knowledge and General Awareness Questions and Answers in General Knowledge Quiz form. These Online General Knowledge Tests cover all those topics which can be useful for any Competitive Exams.
General Knowledge and General Studies Quiz: Set 149
Q1. Which of the following is a correct description of ‘tissue culture’? (SSC CGL 2005)
(A) Conservation of forests and plantation
(B) Growth and propagation of horticultural crops
(C) Science of cultivating animal tissue in artificial medium
(D) Protection of wild animals
Q2. Bark of this tree is used as a condiment _________. (SSC CGL 2011)
(A) Cinnamon
(B) Clove
(C) Neem
(D) Palm
Q3. Name the tiny pores present on the surface of leaves in plants. (SSC (10+2) Data Entry Operator LDC 2007)
(A) Pits
(B) Stomata
(C) Trichomes
(D) Hydathodes
Q4. The plant that behaves as a root parasite is _________. (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entery 2013)
(A) Ficus
(B) Santalum
(C) Cuscuta
(D) Euphorbia
Q5. In which of the following multiple epidermis is found? (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014)
(A) Boerhavia
(B) Amaranthus
(C) Helianthus
(D) Nerium
Q6. The concept of tissue culture was introduced by __________. (SSC CAPF’s SI, CISf ASI & Delhi Police 2014)
(A) Halfmeister
(B) Hanstein
(C) Haberlandt
(D) Hanning
Q7. The cuticle is absent in ________. (SSC CGL Re-Exam 2013)
(A) Leaf
(B) Stem
(C) Root
(D) Fruit
Q8. The special modif ied epidermal cells surrounding stomatal pore are called _________. (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014)
(A) Epithelial cells
(B) Guard cells
(C) Subsidiary cells
(D) Accessory cells
Q9. Intercalary meristems are found in __________. (SSC CGL Tier-I 2013)
(A) Node
(B) Lateral bud
(C) Terminal bud
(D) Inter node
Q10. Leaves of many grasses are capable of folding and unfolding because __________. (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014)
(A) Their mesophyll is not diffentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma
(B) They have stomata on both sides of the leaf
(C) They have high levels of silica
(D) They have specialised bulli form cells
1. C | 2. A |
3. B | 4. C |
5. D | 6. C |
7. C | 8. B |
9. D | 10. D |
Read More:
1. | Complete General Knowledge/GS Preparation Bag | Click Here |
2. | Static Awareness Preparation Bag | Click Here |
3. | English Preparation Bag | Click Here |
4. | Banking Awareness Preparation Bag | Click Here |
5. | Data Interpretation Preparation Bag | Click Here |
6. | Quant Preparation Bag | Click Here |
7. | Computer Awareness Preparation Bag | Click Here |
8. | Reasoning Preparation Bag | Click Here |
9. | Daily Current Affairs | Click Here |
10. | Monthly Current Affairs PDF | Click Here |
11. | Daily Current Affairs Quiz | Click Here |
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