Banking Awareness Quiz: Set 339


Banking Awareness Quiz

Dear Readers, Welcome to the 2021 Daily Banking Awareness Quiz Question & Answers Section of ExamsCart. Banking Awareness Quiz will Boost Your Banking Awareness Section.

The Banking Awareness Section of Banking Exams covers various segments in it like Banking Awareness, Static GK, In any case, the most imperative thing that you may have seen is that both the Banking Awareness and Static Awareness questions asked in the Banking Awareness Section depend on Current Banking Affairs as it were.

Here is a test on Banking Awareness to give you a chance to survey your Banking Awareness Knowledge. This post contains important Banking Awareness Quiz. A brief explanation of every Quiz is provided to further enhance your general knowledge. 

Banking Awareness Quiz

Banking Awareness Quiz: Set 339


  1. How many NBFC Ombudsman Offices are present in India?
    A) 3
    B) 4
    C) 5
    D) 6
  2. What is the housing loan limits for eligibility under priority sector lending in metropolitan areas for Regional Rural Bank?
    A) Rs 20 lakhs
    B) Rs 25 lakhs
    C) Rs 30 lakhs
    D) Rs 35 lakhs
  3. Which of the following is the SMS handle used by RBI for financial awareness and inclusion?
  4. In the Second Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20, the RBI has kept the stance of monetary policy as _____.
    A) negative
    B) positive
    C) neutral
    D) accommodative
  5. Recently the “Benchmarking India’s Payment Systems” was released by?
    A) NPCI
    B) RBI
    C) Ministry of Finance
    D) Asian Development Bank
  6. Hotels and Restaurants, transport and communication comes under which of these sector of Indian economy?
    A) Industry Sector
    B) Service Sector
    C) Manufacturing Sector
    D) Public Administration
  7. The First Fiveyear Plan was launched in which year?
    A) 1959
    B) 1968
    C) 1942
    D) 1951
  8. The Foreign Trade Policy in India is regulated by ____________
    A) RBI
    B) Directorate General of Foreign Trade
    C) Ministry of Finance
    D) EXIM
  9. The South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) is an agreement between how many countries?
    A) 12
    B) 6
    C) 8
    D) 20
  10. The biggest contributor to foreign exchange reserve of India is  _____________
    A) foreign currency assets
    B) gold reserves
    C) special drawing rights
    D) India’s position with the International Monetary Fund


1. B) 4 2. D) Rs 35 lakhs
3. C) RBISAY 4. D) accommodative
5. B) RBI 6. B) Service Sector
7. D) 1951 8. B) Directorate General of Foreign Trade
9. C) 8 10. A) foreign currency assets

Read More:

1. Complete GK/GS Preparation Bag Click Here
2. Static Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
3. English Preparation Bag Click Here
4. Banking Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
5. Data Interpretation Preparation Bag Click Here
6. Quant Preparation Bag Click Here
7. Computer Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
8. Reasoning Preparation Bag Click Here
9. Daily Current Affairs Click Here
10. Monthly Current Affairs PDF Click Here
11. Daily Current Affairs Quiz Click Here



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