Banking Awareness Quiz: Set 230


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Welcome to the 2021 Daily Banking Awareness Quiz Question & Answers Section of ExamsCart. Banking Awareness Quiz will Boost Your Banking Awareness Section.

The Banking Awareness Section of Banking Exams covers various segments in it like Banking Awareness, Static GK, In any case, the most imperative thing that you may have seen is that both the Banking Awareness and Static Awareness questions asked in the Banking Awareness Section depend on Current Banking Affairs as it were.

Here is a test on Banking Awareness to give you a chance to survey your Banking Awareness Knowledge. This post contains important Banking Awareness Quiz. A brief explanation of every Quiz is provided to further enhance your general knowledge. 

Banking Awareness Quiz

Banking Awareness Quiz: Set 230


  1. The planning, directing, monitoring, organizing, and controlling of the monetary resources of an organization is known as______.
    A) Organisational Management

    B) Human Resource Management
    C) Financial Management
    D) Asset Management
  2. Which of these is not a valid type of account in relation to Accounting field?
    A) Business

    B) Nominal
    C) Real
    D) Personal
  3. The value in the present of a sum of money, in contrast to some future value it will have when it has been invested at compound interest is known as______.
    A) Fair Trade Price

    B) External Debt
    C) Debt Equity Ratio
    D) Net Present Value
  4. ________ is an agreement between the lender and borrower allowing the borrower to take possession of goods immediately and start making payments in the future.
    A) Deferred Payment

    B) Hedge Fund
    C) Net Interest Income
    D) Pricing Options
  5. A written commitment to pay, by a buyer’s bank to the seller’s bank provided the seller meets precisely-defined conditions and submits the prescribed documents within a fixed time frame is known as________
    A) Balance Sheet

    B) Letter of Credit
    C) Completion Certificate
    D) Finance Bill
  6. ______ is the payment which the company will receive from its customers who have purchased its goods & services on credit.
    A) Excess Grants

    B) Debt Funds
    C) Accounts Receivable
    D) Liquidity trap
  7.  When transactions are recorded in the books of accounts as they occur even if the payment for that particular product or service has not been received or made it is known as________.
    A) Hedge Accounting

    B) Sustainability Accounting
    C) Cash Accounting
    D) Accrual Accounting
  8. The headquarter of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is in which city?
    A) Bengaluru

    B) New Delhi
    C) Kolkata
    D) Pune
  9. The financial statement of a company which includes assets, liabilities, equity capital, total debt, etc. at a point in time is termed as ________.
    A) Balance Sheet

    B) Appropriation Bill
    C) Capital Account
    D) Equity Finance
  10. What is Chattel mortgage?
    A) Combining more than one debt obligation into a new loan with a favourable term structure

    B) Money borrowed by a company to be paid back at a future date with interest
    C) Loan extended to an individual or a company on a movable property
    D) Method of raising fresh capital by selling shares of the company to public, institutional investors, or financial institutions


1. C) Financial Management 2. A) Business
3. D) Net Present Value 4. A) Deferred Payment
5. B) Letter of Credit 6. C) Accounts Receivable
7. D) Accrual Accounting 8. B) New Delhi
9. A) Balance Sheet 10. C) Loan extended to an individual or a company on a movable property



Read More:

1. Complete GK/GS Preparation Bag Click Here
2. Static Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
3. English Preparation Bag Click Here
4. Banking Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
5. Data Interpretation Preparation Bag Click Here
6. Quant Preparation Bag Click Here
7. Computer Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
8. Reasoning Preparation Bag Click Here
9. Daily Current Affairs Click Here
10. Monthly Current Affairs PDF Click Here
11. Daily Current Affairs Quiz Click Here



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