Trick to find Square and Cube root of any number


Trick to find Square and Cube root of any number

Square and Cube root of any number

Trick to find Square Root of any number

Let’s take a look at 3364.

Pick up the last two digits first. Here it is 64.
Since the unit digit is 4, we can say that the unit digit of the square root will either be 2 or 8.

Now, let’s pick up the first two digits. Here it is 33
Since 33 comes between the square of 5 and 6, i.e. 25<33<36, we can say the tens’ digit of the square root of 3364 will be 5 because we always take the smaller one.

So, now we have two options, 52 or 58. Now check 33 is close to 25 or 36. Since it is near to 36 thats’why we take bigger number i.e 58.

Unit digit of 12  = 1, 22  = 4, 32  = 9, 42  ​​​​​​​= 6, 52  ​​​​​​​= 5, 62  ​​​​​​​= 6, 72  ​​​​​​​= 9, 82  ​​​​​​​= 4, 92  ​​​​​​​= 1, 102  ​​​​​​​= 0

Trick to find Cube Root of any number

Let’s take a look at 39304.

First, pick up the last digit of the cube. Here it is 4. If the last digit is 4, the cube root’s last digit will be 4.

It is important to note in general that:

  • If the last digit of a cube root is 8 then the unit digit will be 2.
  • If the last digit of a cube root is 2 then the unit digit will be 8.
  • If the last digit of a cube root is 3 then the unit digit will be 7.
  • If the last digit of a cube root is 7 then the unit digit will be 3.
  • If the last digit of a cube root is other than 2, 3, 7 and 8 then put the same number as the unit digit.

So, from the above given rules we can say that the unit place for the cube root of 39304 is 4. Now, ignoring the last three digits of the number, pick up the rest. Here, it is 39.

Check the closest cubes to 39. The closest cube to 39 is 27(Cube of 3) and 64 (cube of 4). Now, since 27 is closer to 39 than 64, the first digit will be 3.

So, the cube root of 39304 will be 34.


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