The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary – September 6, 2020 (Download Free PDF)


The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary September 6, 2020

The Hindu newspaper is treated like a holy book by the aspirants of different competitive exams like SSC, Banking, UPSC and other exams. Toppers and experts suggest aspirants to read The Hindu Editorial section and note down the Important vocabulary to enhance It.

In this article we are going to provide you  The Hindu Vocabulary with list of difficult worlds from The Hindu Editorials.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

Loyalty test: On Congress and reform

The Congress should seek to benefit from the agenda of the reformists instead of fighting it.
The concerns regarding the functioning of the Congress raised by 23 of its senior leaders appear to have been validated by the hostility generated against them by a coterie around the Nehru-Gandhi family.

Rahul Gandhi, the de-facto decision-maker behind his mother, has always claimed to be in favour of open discussions and collective leadership in the party. Far from living up to that claim, he led the coterie in questioning the timing and intent of the reformists who did little more than echo his own views about the party’s problems.

Mr. Gandhi, often accused by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of ill intent and bad timing that help the enemies of India whenever he raised valid questions about the country’s economy, national security and social harmony, must be the last person to allow the use of the same toolkit to settle an internal debate in the party.

No one, least of all well-wishers of the Congress party, would find it difficult to disagree with the issues raised by the party leaders such as the erosion of the party base, particularly among the youth, a drift caused by the absence of a full-time president, the dismantling of all forums for discussions in the party, concentration of power, and the disuse of the merit-cum-consensus method of appointments within the party.

While the Congress is crumbling, the BJP is advancing its contentious agenda, these leaders pointed out.

For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list for The Hindu Editorial (A golden moment).

To read this article, click here.

(Courtesy: The Hindu)

Sr. No. Word Meaning Hindi Meaning
1 loyalty (noun) allegiance, faithfulness, obedience, adherence. ईमानदारी
2 seek (very) try, aim, attempt. कोशिश करना
3 hostility (noun) opposition, resentment, unkindness, unfriendliness. विरोध
4 de facto (adjective) actual, existing, existent, real, effective. असल में
5 drift (noun) shift, deviation, departure, digression. झुकाव
6 dismantle (verb) demolish, destroy, disassemble, break up. टुकड़े टुकड़े करना
7 merit (noun) distinction, high quality, excellence. श्रेष्ठता
8 crumble (verb) disintegrate, collapse, fragment. टुकड़े-टुकड़े करना
9 advance (verb) promote, further, support. आगे बढ़ाना
10 contentious (adjective) controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed. विवाद-ग्रस्त
11 undermine (verb) reduce, diminish, impede, hinder. कमज़ोर कर देना
12 erode (verb) weaken, destroy, spoil gradually. नष्ट करना
13 articulate (verb) express, voice, communicate. साफ बोलना
14 critique (noun) analysis, evaluation, assessment. समीक्षा
15 articulation (noun)  expression, voicing, communication. अभिव्यक्ति
16 notion (noun) idea, belief, concept. अभिप्राय
17 loyalist (noun) supporter, admirer, champion. विश्वासपात्र
18 dissenter (noun) objector, protester, rejectionist. संप्रदायवादी
19 peddle (verb) advocate, urge, recommend, champion. फैलाना
20 dialectic (noun) reasoning, argumentation, contention. तर्कशास्त्र
21 obsequious (adjective) fawning, subservient, submissive; dutiful, surrendering. ख़ुशामदी, चापलूस
22 conventionally (adverb) traditionally, usually, commonly, normally. परंपरागत ढंग से
23 ally (noun) associate, colleague, friend, supporter. मित्रता करना
24 revival (noun) re-establishment, comeback, reintroduction, reappearance. पुनर्जीवन, पुनः प्रदर्शन
25 archaic (adjective) obsolete, old-fashioned, outdated/very old. पुराकालीन, प्राचीन


The Hindu Vocabulary for all Competitive exams

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