The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary – September 5, 2020 (Download Free PDF)


The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary September 5, 2020

The Hindu newspaper is treated like a holy book by the aspirants of different competitive exams like SSC, Banking, UPSC and other exams. Toppers and experts suggest aspirants to read The Hindu Editorial section and note down the Important vocabulary to enhance It.

In this article we are going to provide you  The Hindu Vocabulary with list of difficult worlds from The Hindu Editorials.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

Dissent and detention: On Dr. Kafeel Khan

Allahabad HC order quashing Dr. Kafeel Khan’s detention exposes state persecution
If ever any evidence was needed that Dr. Kafeel Khan, a government doctor from Gorakhpur, has been a victim of state persecution, the Allahabad High Court has provided that. Its 42-page order has laid bare the malefic manner in which the doctor was detained under the National Security Act (NSA) on February 13, 2020, shortly after he was granted bail in an earlier case.

Dr. Khan, suspended in 2017 after a severe shortage of oxygen cylinders took a deadly toll among children admitted to the encephalitis ward in the Baba Raghav Das Medical College Hospital, Gorakhpur, was arrested on January 29, 2020, for an address to students of Aligarh Muslim University last December.

His speech, which contained scathing criticism of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, and its discriminatory nature, was deemed inflammatory weeks after he had made it. The High Court has now found that far from inciting Muslims, the speech, taken in its entirety, does not disclose any effort to promote hatred or violence; and nowhere does it threaten peace in Aligarh. The DM, Aligarh, the court says, used selective reading of some phrases and ignored its true intent while passing the detention order.

No reasonable man, it says, would have come to the conclusion about the speech that the DM did. The grounds for detention under NSA provided nothing that indicated any attempt by Dr. Khan to disturb peace and tranquillity between the speech in December and his detention in February.

The inevitable inference is that the NSA was invoked only to avoid releasing him following the Chief Judicial Magistrate court’s order granting him bail. The process to invoke the NSA itself began only after the bail order, the Bench comprising Chief Justice Govind Mathur and Saumitra Dayal Singh noted.

For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list for The Hindu Editorial (A golden moment).

To read this article, click here.

(Courtesy: The Hindu)

Sr. No. Word Meaning Hindi Meaning
1 dissent (noun) disagreement, difference of opinion, opposition. मतभेद, विचार-विभिन्नता
2 detention (noun) imprisonment, confinement/incarceration, captivity, custody. नज़रबंदी, कारावास
3 quash (verb) cancel, reverse, repeal, revoke, overrule, rule against. रद्द करना
4 expose (verb) reveal, uncover, lay bare. प्रदर्शित करना
5 persecution (noun) oppression, victimization, discrimination. उत्पीड़न
6 detain (verb) imprison, jail, incarcerate, confine. बन्द करना
7 deadly (adjective) fatal, lethal, life-threatening. जानलेवा
8 scathing (adjective) scornful, severely critical, harsh. हानि पहुंचाने वाला
9 discriminatory (adjective) biased, unfair, unjust, inequitable. पक्षपाती
10 deem (verb) regard as, consider; view as. इरादा करना
11 inflammatory (adjective) provocative, provoking, agitating, fomenting. भड़कानेवाला
12 incite (verb) provoke, trigger, instigate, provoke. उकसाना
13 hatred (noun) hate, hostility, resentment. घृणा
14 reading (noun) interpretation, understanding, construal. पढ़े जाने का ढंग
15 intent (noun) aim, purpose, objective. इरादा
16 ground (noun) reason, factor, basis, rationale, premise. कारण
17 tranquillity (noun) peacefulness, restfulness, calmness, quietness. तसल्ली
18 inevitable (adjective) unavoidable, unpreventable. अनिवार्य
19 inference (noun) conclusion, reasoning, conjecture, speculation, assumption. अनुमान, परिणाम
20 invoke (verb)  cite, refer to, adduce. आह्वान
21 stringent (adjective) strict/stern, severe, tough/rigorous. कठोर, सख्त
22 dissenter (noun) objector, protester, rejectionist. संप्रदायवादी
23 condemn (verb) censure, criticize, castigate, attack. दोष लगाना
24 perverse (adjective) illogical, irrational, unreasonable; wrong, incorrect. जिद्दी, चिड़चिड़ा
25 resort (noun) recourse to, turning to, the use of, utilizing. सहारा, शरण
26 frustrate (verb) thwart, prevent, stop, spoil. व्यर्थ कर देना
27 zeal (noun) passion, fervour, eagerness, interest. उत्साह
28 negligence (noun) carelessness, irresponsibility, disregard; inattention/laxness. लापरवाही
29 circumstances (noun) situation, conditions, state of affairs. परिस्थिति
30 strenuous (adjective) vigorous, forceful/intense, active. अति उत्साही, इच्छुक
31 absolve (verb) exonerate, discharge, acquit, release. छोड़ना
32 revoke (verb) cancel, repeal/reverse, abrogate, nullify. वापस लेना
33 trial (noun) hearing, inquiry, proceedings. सुनवाई
34 credentials (noun) identities, qualifications, qualities, achievements. प्रत्यायक, परिचय पत्र
35 propensity (noun) tendency, inclination, predisposition, readiness. रुझान, प्रवृत्‍ति


The Hindu Vocabulary for all Competitive exams

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