The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary – September 3, 2020 (Download Free PDF)

Todays Topic- A golden moment: On India's win in Chess Olympiad


The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary September 3, 2020

The Hindu newspaper is treated like a holy book by the aspirants of different competitive exams like SSC, Banking, UPSC and other exams. Toppers and experts suggest aspirants to read The Hindu Editorial section and note down the Important vocabulary to enhance It.

In this article we are going to provide you  The Hindu Vocabulary with list of difficult worlds from The Hindu Editorials.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

A golden moment: On India’s win in Chess Olympiad

India’s chess players deserve more attention after the Olympiad triumph
If further proof was needed of India’s growing stature in world chess and of the mind sport’s rising popularity in the country, the online Chess Olympiad provided it in emphatic fashion on Sunday. India became the joint champion, along with title favourite Russia, even as the Olympiad trended on Twitter and thousands followed the action through live streaming on social media. The title had to be shared because the result in two games in the second match of the final was affected by a net outage.

India’s Nihal Sarin and Divya Deshmukh had lost on time — competitive chess is always a race against the clock — but probably neither would have if they were not disconnected. The Indian team management lodged a complaint and the world chess governing body FIDE’s decision to have joint champions was agreeable to Russia too, and thus there was a fruitful ending to the final.

For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list for The Hindu Editorial (A golden moment).

To read this article, click here.

(Courtesy: The Hindu)

Word Meaning Hindi Meaning
attention (noun) support, aid/care, assistance, succour. ध्यान, चौकसी
triumph (noun) victory, win, success. जीत
stature (noun) reputation, status, position, standing. उंचाई, क़द
emphatic (adjective) clear, definite, powerful, distinctive. प्रभावी
fashion (noun) method, manner, way. प्रकार, रीति
probably (adverb) most likely, in all likelihood, perhaps. शायद, सम्भवतः
fruitful (adjective) beneficial, valuable, advantageous. फलदायक
sheen (noun) shine, lustre, sparkle चमक, उज्ज्वलता
stretch (verb) extend (over a period of time). फैलाना, बढ़ाना
lightly (adverb) carelessly. बिना सोचे विचारे
euphoria (noun) elation, excitement, delight/happiness. उत्साह
grim (adjective) terrible, awful, dreadful, horrible, frightful. डरावना, भयंकर
overlook (verb) miss, fail to notice; disregard, neglect/ignore. असावधानी करना
ironically (adverb) paradoxically, unexpectedly, strangely. व्यंग्यपूर्ण ढंग से
outstanding (adjective) extraordinary, exceptional, excellent. उत्कृष्ट
embroil (verb) involve, entangle, mix up. उलझाना
tussle (noun) argument, disagreement, quarrel, contention. लड़ाई, हाथापाई
glory (noun) acclamation, eminence, reputation/recognition प्रतिष्ठा
introspection (noun) self-observation, self-analysis आत्मविश्लेषण


The Hindu Vocabulary for all Competitive exams

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