The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary – September 2, 2020 (Download Free PDF)

Today's Topic- Inevitable collapse: on steepest contraction of GDP


The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary September 2, 2020

The Hindu newspaper is treated like a holy book by the aspirants of different competitive exams like SSC, Banking, UPSC and other exams. Toppers and experts suggest aspirants to read The Hindu Editorial section and note down the Important vocabulary to enhance It.

In this article we are going to provide you  The Hindu Vocabulary with list of difficult worlds from The Hindu Editorials.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

Inevitable collapse: on steepest contraction of GDP

The inevitable has happened. India’s GDP suffered its steepest contraction on record in the April-June quarter,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list for The Hindu Editorial (Inevitable collapse).

To read this article, click here.

(Courtesy: The Hindu)

Word Meaning Hindi Meaning
inevitable (adjective) unavoidable, unpreventable. जो टल न सके
hit (verb) affect badly, devastate, damage, ruin. टकराना, आघात करना
hinge on (verb) depend on, be based, be dependent. पर निर्भर करना
provisional (adjective) interim, transitional, temporary. अस्थायी, अल्पकालीन
stringent (adjective) strict/stern, severe, tough/rigorous. कठोर, सख़्त
substantially (adverb) considerably, significantly, largely. वास्तव में, मूल रूप से
hollow out (verb) remove, undermine, weaken, erode. छेद करके बनाना
contract (verb) decline, decrease, diminish, reduce. सिकुड़ना, संकुचित होना
abjure (verb) renounce, give up, relinquish, reject/forgo. त्यागना
discretionary (adjective) optional, non-compulsory, voluntary, non-mandatory. वैकल्पिक, ऐच्छिक
reflect (verb) indicate, show, reveal, exhibit. दर्शाना, प्रकट करना
conserve (verb) preserve, protect, save. रक्षा करना
refrain from (verb) stop oneself, abstain, desist from, hold back. अलग रहना, दूर रहना
solitary (adjective) single, lone, sole, only, one. अकेला
outpace (verb) surpass, outshine. आगे निकलना
expansion (noun) development, growth. विस्तारण
deem (verb) regard as, consider; view as. इरादा करना
evaporate (verb) vanish, fade, disappear लुप्त हो जाना
amid (preposition) in the middle of, surrounded by; during. संबंध में, के बीच
mitigation (noun) alleviation, reduction; lessening. कमी
blow (noun) misfortune, setback, disappointment; shock, jolt. झटका, प्रहार
unlikely (adjective) not likely, improbable, questionable. अविश्वसनीय
forsake (verb) renounce, give up त्यागना
vaunted (adjective) acclaimed, highly rated, admired. अधिक प्रशंसित
trajectory (noun) course, track, direction, route. प्रक्षेपवक्र
erosion (noun) destruction, deterioration, decline, weakening. कटाव
retard (verb) delay, hold back, postpone. रोकना
momentum (noun) strength, energy, force. गति शक्ति
signal (verb) indicate, express, signify. संकेत करना
stress (verb) pressurize, burden, overtax महत्व देना
shed (verb) get rid of, discard, throw out, drop, abandon. छोड़ना, फेंकना
significantly (adverb) notably, importantly, seriously, crucially. महत्वपूर्ण ढंग से
undergo (verb) go through, experience, be subjected to, engage in. उठाना, भोगना, झेलना
swathe (noun) a wide area of something. चौड़ी पट्टी
sight (verb) notice, spot, discern, detect. दिखाई पड़ना



The Hindu Vocabulary for all Competitive exams

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