The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary – September 10, 2020 (Download Free PDF)

A new dimension: On India-U.S.-Australia-Japan Quadrilateral


The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary September 10, 2020

The Hindu newspaper is treated like a holy book by the aspirants of different competitive exams like SSC, Banking, UPSC and other exams. Toppers and experts suggest aspirants to read The Hindu Editorial section and note down the Important vocabulary to enhance It.

In this article we are going to provide you  The Hindu Vocabulary with list of difficult worlds from The Hindu Editorials.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

A new dimension: On India-U.S.-Australia-Japan Quadrilateral

Militarisation of the Quad will not alleviate the territorial threat India faces from China.

In what will be seen as a significant shift of the government’s posture towards the India-U.S.-Australia-Japan Quadrilateral (Quad), Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat stated on Thursday that India believes the Quad would be a “good mechanism” to “ensure Freedom of Navigation Operations” (FONOPs) in the Indian Ocean and surrounding oceans including the Indo-Pacific.

Unless he misspoke, the suggestion is that India is now prepared to join Quad military patrols, which marks a departure from its earlier reticence and public statements by the leadership.

The Indian Navy has not taken part in any joint patrols outside of the Indian Ocean, and even within it, held its first one, with France, only recently. In terms of the engagement with the Quad, India has not yet formally announced a decision to include Australia in the annual Malabar exercises with the U.S. and Japan, although it is expected to do so.
However, the move from conducting exercises together to joint operations would take time, something that makes the CDS’s assertion significant. It is easy to surmise that his contention that the Quad operations are needed to ensure there is no “fear of any other nation singularly trying to dominate the oceans”, is a veiled reference to China.

It is also clear that the LAC tensions and clashes, as well as the PLA’s refusal to implement border agreements, have convinced New Delhi that new strategies will be required to deal with Beijing.

While India continues to engage China diplomatically, and External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh have spoken of the importance of a resolution through talks, there is no doubt that an outcome of the tensions will be a strengthening of India’s ties with global powers such as the U.S., as well as formations like the Quad.

An indication of this is the government’s plans to host a ministerial-level meeting of the Quad in the next month, possibly when the India-US “2+2” meet of Foreign and Defence Ministers is held.

For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list for The Hindu Editorial (A golden moment).

To read this article, click here.

(Courtesy: The Hindu)

Sr. No. Word Meaning Hindi Meaning
1 dimension (noun) aspect, feature, side, element. परिमाण
2 alleviate (verb) reduce, control, mitigate/moderate. कम करना
3 posture (noun) position, approach, attitude, standpoint, view. अवस्था
4 mechanism (noun) system, medium, agency, channel. रचनातंत्र, व्यवस्था
5 patrol (noun) vigil, guard, watch, monitoring. पहरा, गश्ती दल
6 mark (verb) indicate, represent, signify. संकेत
7 reticence (noun) uncommunicativeness, unresponsiveness, quietness, silence. मौन, चुप्पी
8 engagement (noun) participation, taking part, involvement. अनुबंध
9 assertion (noun) statement, claim/opinion, declaration, affirmation, contention. दावा, अभिकथन
10 surmise (verb) assume, conjecture, suppose. अनुमान करना
11 singularly (adjective) remarkably, noticeably, particularly, exceptionally, extremely. विशिष्ट रूप से
12 contention (noun) opinion, view, assertion/statement, declaration, affirmation. कहा-सुनी
13 veiled (adjective) covert, concealed, hidden, camouflaged. अस्पष्ट, छिपा
14 strengthening (noun) reinforcing, underpinning, buttressing. बढ़ाव
15 ties (noun) bond, association, relationship. रिश्तेदारी
16 formulation (noun) creation, origination, arrangement. निरूपण


The Hindu Vocabulary for all Competitive exams

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