Superlatives of World: Static General Knowledge


General Awareness is considered to be the high scoring section in any competitive exam. It includes two main portions, current affairs GK and static GK. In this article, we will discuss some really important Static GK topics that are covered in almost all competitive exams. Also, you can download the PDF of lists of different Static GK topics

Static Gk connotes general knowledge about the static facts, the facts that are never going to change in the future. Facts in Static GK covers people, places, things, important days, currencies, dances etc. Like history, static GK also never changes with time.

Static General Knowledge : Superlatives of World

World Superlatives – Longest

Superlatives Type Place/Animal/Others
Longest Mountain Range Andes (South America)
Longest Animal Blue Whale
Longest Bullet train China
Longest Elevated cycle path China
Longest Non stop train Flying Scoutsman
Longest Wall Great wall of China
Longest Platform (Railway) Gorakhpur (U.P.) India (1355.4 m)
Longest Day June 21 (in Northern Hemisphere)
Longest Jump animal Kangaroo
Longest Poisonous snake King Cobra
Longest Tunnel (Road) Laerdal, Norway
Longest Canal Tunnel Le Rove Tunnel, France
Longest River Nile
Longest Flight Qatar Airways
Longest Rail Tunnel Seikan Tunnel, France
Longest Strait Tatar Strait
Longest Life span (animal) Tortoise
Longest Epic The Mahabharata
Longest Railway Trans-Siberian Railway


World Superlatives – Largest

uperlatives Type Place/Animal/Others
Largest Land animal African Elephant
Largest Continent Asia
Largest Peninsula Arabia
Largest River Basin Amazon Basin
Largest River by Volume Amazon Basin
Largest Sea bird Albatross
Largest Church Basilica of St. Peter, Rome (Vatican City)
Largest Country in population China
Largest Solar farm China
Largest Lake (Salt water) Caspian Sea
Largest Gulf Gulf of Mexico
Largest Dam Grand Coulee – Concrete Dam (U.S.A)
Largest Island Green Land
Largest Platform (Railway) Grand Central Terminal, New York
Largest Asian Desert Gobi, Mongolia
Largest Artificial Sun Germany
Largest Bay Hudson Bay, Canada
Largest Archipelago Indonesia
Largest Democracy India
Largest Palace Imperical Palace (Beijing) China
Largest Mosque Jama Masjid, Delhi
Largest Planet Jupiter
Largest Diamond Mine Kimberley, South Africa
Largest Lake (Artificial) Lake Mead (Boulder)
Largest Lake (Fresh water) Lake Superior, U.S.A
Largest Canal Tunnel Le Rove Tunnel, France
Largest Mosque Masjid-al-haram, Saudi Arabia
Largest Solar Plant Morocco
Largest Volcano Mauna Loa, Hawaii
Largest Park National Park, Greenland
Largest Bird Ostrich
Largest Country in area Russia
Largest Big-ship Canal Suez canal (Red Sea and Mediterranean)
Largest Delta Sundarbans, India (8000 sq. miles)
Largest Desert (world) Sahara, Africa (84,00,000 sq. km)
Largest Stadium Strahov Stadium, Prague Czech
Largest City in Population Tokyo
Largest Coral Formation The Great Barrier Reef (Australia)
Largest Diamond The Cullman
Largest Mammal Whale


World Superlatives – Smallest

Superlatives Type Place/Animal/Others
Smallest Contient Australia
Smallest Bird Hummingbird
Smallest Planet Mercury


World Superlatives – Tallest

Superlatives Type Place/Animal/Others
Tallest Building Burj Khalifa, Dubai in U.A.E
Tallest Animal on Land Giraffe
Tallest Minaret Great Hassan Mosque, Casablanca, Morocco
Tallest Minaret Great Hassan Mosque Morocco
Tallest Minaret (Free standing) Qutub Minar, Delhi
Tallest Statue Statue of Liberty, New York, USA
Tallest Tower Tokyo Sky Tree, Japan


World Superlatives – Biggest

Superlatives Type Place/Animal/Others
Biggest Museum British Museum (London)
Biggest Bell Great Bell, Moscow
Biggest Library Library of the congress Washington
Biggest City in area Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia
Biggest Cinema House Roxy (New York)
Biggest Flower Rafflesia (Java)
Biggest Ocean The Pacific

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