Computer Awareness Study Notes on Types of Computers


Computer Awareness is one of the most important subjects that come in the Banking exam. However, not many candidates pay a great deal of attention towards this particular subject. 

Computers form the basis of the working any organization in today’s age. If you are looking forward to working in a bank, then you need to have a basic understanding of computers. This is exactly what this section of the exams tests you for.

Here We have listed the important of Computer Awareness Study Material for competitive exams. Here we are providing Study Notes of Computer.

Computer Awareness Study Notes on Types of Computers

There are a number of computer options to select from in today’s computer and technology market. Today, computers come in different sizes and styles. Current computers are made in a way that they fit people with different needs and requirements. Apart from the initial desktop and laptop computers there are other types of computers available on the market. Netbook and tablet PCs computers are now available, and a number of people are using them for different purposes.

Based on Work

Analog : The analog computers are computer systems that measure variations in quantities such as temperature, voltage, speed, etc. Analog computers are known to measure the data that varies continuously. Other examples of analog computers include Voltmeter and Ammeter.

Digital : Digital computers are the computer systems that count things by manipulation of certain discontinuous numbers and letters through representation of binary digits (also called bits) in contrast to analog computers that measures the variations in quantities). In other words texts and graphics are treated numerically. Today the digital computers have replaced the analog ones .Examples of digital computers are desktop , personal computers, workstations,tablet PC etc

Hybrid : Hybrid computers as the name suggests are a good mix of analog as well as digital computers, using an analog computer front-end, which is then fed into a digital computer’s repetitive process. Hybrid computers are used for scientific calculations, in defence and systems.

Based on memory Size and performance

Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows –

1) Supercomputer : Supercomputers are the biggest and fastest computers. They are designed to process huge amount of data. A supercomputer can process trillions of instructions in a second. It has thousands of interconnected processors.

Supercomputers are particularly used in scientific and engineering applications such as weather forecasting, scientific simulations and nuclear energy research. First supercomputer was developed by Roger Cray in 1976.

2) Mainframe computer : Mainframe computers are designed to support hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously. They can support multiple programs at the same time. It means they can execute different processes simultaneously. These features of mainframe computers make them ideal for big organizations like banking and telecom sectors, which need to manage and process high volume of data.

3) Miniframe computer : It is a midsize multiprocessing computer. It consists of two or more processors and can support 4 to 200 users at one time. Miniframe computers are used in institutes and departments for the tasks such as billing, accounting and inventory management.

4) Workstation : Workstation is a single user computer that is designed for technical or scientific applications. It has faster microprocessor, large amount of RAM and high speed graphic adapters. It generally performs a specific job with great expertise; accordingly, they are of different types such as graphics workstation, music workstation and engineering design workstation.

5) Microcomputer : Microcomputer is also known as personal computer. It is a general purpose computer that is designed for individual use. It has a microprocessor as a central processing unit, memory, storage area, input unit and output unit. Laptops and desktop computers are examples of microcomputers.

E.g. : The various micro computers widely available are IBM pcs , APPLE mac etc.the small types of pcs like the palmtop and handheld are now becoming available.

Personal Computers

Personal Computers are computers that are designed for an individual user. These computers are small and a relatively cheaper. In price, personal computers can range anywhere from a few hundred pounds to over five thousand pounds. Personal Computers use the microprocessor technology as they enable manufacturers to put an entire CPU onto one chip. They serve myriad purposes and can be put to use by various businesses for word processing, accounting, desktop publishing, and for running spreadsheet and database management applications. People across the globe use internet for playing games,surfing net and other online applications at their homes and personal use.

Types of Personal Computers

Personal computers can be classified on the basis of its size .There are two basic types of the traditional designs i.e the desktop models and tower models. There are several variations on these two basic types also.

Tower model : This model of personal computer refers to a computer in which the power supply, motherboard, and other mass storage devices are stacked on top of each other in a cabinet.

Desktop model : Desktop model means computer that are designed to fit comfortably on top of a desk, with the monitor sitting on top of the computer. Desktop model computers as compared to the tower model are broad and low, whereas tower model computers are narrow and tall.

Notebook computer : Also called ultra book. These are extremely popular because they are extremely lightweight and portable. Because of their small size ,typically less than 6 pounds or lesser than that,they have become so popular. These flat-panel technologies can produce a lightweight and non-bulky display screen. The quality of notebook display screens also differs considerably. Modern notebook computers are very similar to personal computers in terms of computing power.

Laptop computer : Laptop are now a days also called notebook computers .These are small and portable .You can make them sit on your lap and work on them.

Subnotebook computer:  Subnotebook computers are portable computers that are even lighter and smaller than a full-sized notebook computer. They are light weight because they use a small keyboard and screen as compared to a notebook computer.

Hand-held computer : These computers are portable enough to be carried in one’s hand. They are extremely convenient for use but due to extremely small size of their keyboards and screens they have still not succeeded in to replacing notebook computers.

Palmtop : These computers as the name suggest fit in your palm. Due to extremely small size their use is limited to phone books and calendars .

PDA : PDA’s have electronic pens rather than keyboards for inputs unlike laptop. They also incorporate handwriting recognition features. and voice recognition technologies i.e can also react to voice input . PDAs are also called palmtops, hand-held computers and pocket computers.

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