National Mission for Clean Ganga – Namami Gange


National Mission for Clean Ganga – Namami Gange

The National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) was established on 12th August 2011 under the Societies Registration Act,1860 as a registered society and it was implemented by the National Council for Rejuvenation, Protection and Management of River Ganga also known as the National Ganga Council.

National Mission for Clean Ganga

It is an initiative taken by the Government of India to address the pollution and impurity issues of the river Ganga by providing financial and technical assistance.

Objectives of National Mission for Clean Ganga

Some of the major objectives of the Nation Mission for Clean Ganga are:

  1. To conserve and regenerate the aquatic biodiversity of the river Ganga basin.
  2. To restore and maintain the surface flow and groundwater.
  3. To maintain the continuity of the water flow without changing the natural season variations.
  4. To regenerate and maintain the natural vegetation of the river basin.
  5. This mission incorporates to curb pollution at exit points on the riverfront in order to check the inflow of sewage.
  6. To encourage participation of the public in the process of protection, rejuvenation and management of the river.

What is Namami Gange?

The Namami Gange Yojana was implemented on 10 July 2014 under the National Mission for Clean Ganga along with its State Programme Management Groups (SPMGs). This programme was established for the conservation of river Ganga with a budget of Rs. 20,000 crore.

Namami Gange aims at reducing the pollution of the river Ganga along with the conservation and rejuvenation of the river banks.

Salient features of “Namami Gange” programme

  • Will cover 8 states, 47 towns & 12 rivers under the project.
  • Over 1,632-gram panchayats on the banks of Ganga to be made open defecation-free by 2022.
  • Several other ministries are working along with nodal ministry Water Resources Ministry for this project includes – Environment, Urban Development, Shipping, Tourism and Rural Development Ministries.
  • Development of rational agricultural practices & efficient irrigation methods.
  • Establishment of Ganga Knowledge Centre.

Significance of Namami Gange programme

  • River Ganga has significant economic, environmental spiritual, cultural value in India.
  • The Ganga also serves as one of India’s holiest rivers whose cultural and spiritual significance transcends the boundaries of the basin.
  • Rapidly increasing population, rising standards of living and exponential growth of industrialization and urbanization have exposed river Ganga water resources to various forms of degradation.
  • The deterioration in the water quality of Ganga impacts the life of the people living nearby Ganga river immediately.

Funding for Ganga Rejuvenation

Under the Second National Ganga River Basin Project (SNGRBP), the World Bank has approved funds of US $ 600 million for development of Infrastructure projects along river Ganga. The loan would be for a period of five years, till December 2026 which will support the government’s Namami Gange program and its long-term vision for controlling pollution in the river and restoring its water quality.

The first World Bank project had assisted in building important infrastructure for management of Sewage water in 20 hotspots along River Ganges. The most recent funds provided by World Bank will help in scale up the important tributaries of River Ganges like River Yamuna and River Kali.

Challenges Faced by National Mission for Clean Ganga

  1. Due to lack of proper management, monitoring and supervision there is less utilization of funds allotted under the programs.
  2. According to the Central Water Commission (CWC), several hydropower projects are violating Ganga ecological flow (e-flow) norms which is further interrupting the natural flow of the river.
  3. Industrial waste from tanneries in Kanpur, distilleries, paper, and sugar mills in the Kosi, Ramganga and Kali river catchments are major contributors for river Ganga contamination.


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