IBPS Clerk Previous Year Cut Off Marks Prelims and Mains Exam : 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016


IBPS Clerk Previous Year Cut Off Marks

IBPS Clerk Previous Year Cut Off Marks : As we know that IBPS will declared the official notification for the post of Clerk candidates are looking for the Previous Year Cutoff for IBPS Clerk Exam. So we are providing the IBPS Clerk Previous Year Cut Off Marks for prelims as well mains exam for IBPS Clerk . Here You can find Overall IBPS Clerk Cutoffs as well as Sectional IBPS Clerk Cut Offs.

IBPS Clerk Previous Year Cut off Marks

IBPS Clerk Cut-Off Marks : Prelims 2020

State Name Cut-Off (General)
Bihar 71.25
Delhi 77
Gujarat 72
Maharashtra 69.75
Andhra Pradesh 78
Tripura 59.25 (OBC)
Himachal Pradesh 72
Jharkhand 75.75
Kerala 77.25
Punjab 75.25
Rajasthan 78.25
Uttar Pradesh 73.5
West Bengal 61.50
Goa 53.75
J&K 77.5
Madhya Pradesh 77.75
Odisha 75
Karnataka 65.75
Telangana 74.25
Tamil Nadu 71 (OBC)
Uttarakhand 78.50

IBPS Clerk Cut-Off Marks : Prelims 2019

All candidates who appeared in the exam were waiting for the cut-off which is provided below. Check here IBPS Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2019 through the table below:

Section-wise cutoff of IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019

Category Name of the Section
English Language Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude
General 08.25 07.50 07.75
OBC/ SC/ ST 4.75 02.75 03.50


State Name Cut-Off for General Category
Andhra Pradesh 66.25
Assam 63
Bihar 65
Chandigarh 71.5
Delhi 71.75 (General) 67 (OBC)
Goa 67
Gujarat 27
Haryana 68.5
Himachal Pradesh 62.25 (General), 41.25 (OBC)
Jammu & Kashmir
Jharkhand 73 (OBC, General)
Karnataka 53.25 (EWS)
Kerala 73.5
Madhya Pradesh 70
Maharashtra 61.50
Odisha 71.50
Punjab 66.25
Rajasthan 71.25
Tamil Nadu 57.75
Telangana 61
Uttar Pradesh 68.25 (General), 67 (OBC)
Uttarakhand 76
West Bengal 70.75

IBPS Clerk Cut-Off Marks : Mains 2019

State Cut Off for General Category Cut off OBC category
Uttar Pradesh 45.13 38.63
Delhi 49.63 42.38
Madhya Pradesh 44 41.63
Gujarat 42.25 36.13
Goa 35 32.25
Bihar 45.38 42.63
Chattisgarh 43.63 43.63
Tamil Nadu 47 46.75
Odisha 46.13 45.50
Rajasthan 47.38 44.75
Haryana 48.63 41
Andhra Pradesh 45.13 44.13
Telangana 43.88 43.38
Tripura 40.13
Karnataka 40.38 38.75
Kerala 49.63 47.88
Himachal Pradesh 47.13 35.88
Jammu & Kashmir 49.25 34.88
Maharashtra 42.88 41
Jharkhand 43.38 39
Assam 41.88 36.50
West Bengal 47.38 37.75
Punjab 48.88 48.88
Chandigarh 47.25 44.50
Arunachal Pradesh 41.50
Daman & Diu 38.13 38.13
Sikkim 42.13 39
Uttarakhand 49.88 39.63

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2018 Cut-Off Marks

Section-wise cutoff of IBPS Clerk Prelims 2018

Category Name of the Section
English Language Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude
General 9.75 10.75 11.75
OBC/ SC/ ST 6.75 6.25 8.00

IBPS Clerk Prelims Cut off 2018 – State-wise

State Overall Cutoff Marks (Out of 100)
General OBC SC ST
Telangana 58.25 58.25 58.25 54.50
Andhra Pradesh 75.75 63.25
Uttar Pradesh 74.00 70
Assam 67.25 66
Bihar 73.50
Rajasthan 73.00 62.50
Madhya Pradesh 71.25
Gujarat 67.75
Maharashtra 63.25  63.25
Delhi 71.75
Haryana 73.00
Odisha 72.75
Uttarakhand 73.50
Tamil Nadu 57.75
Karnataka 66.25 66.25
Punjab 73.25 60
Kerala 68.50
Jharkhand 74.00
West Bengal 73.50  61.50
Himachal Pradesh 73.00
Chandigarh 66.75
Jammu & Kashmir 72.50

IBPS Clerk Main Cut Off 2018

Section-wise cutoff of IBPS Clerk Main 2018

Category Name of the Section
General English Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude Quantitative Aptitude General/Financial Awareness
General 12.50 17.75 15.50 10.25
OBC/ SC/ ST 9.25 14.50 12.75 6.50

Category wise State Cut Off Marks 2018-2019 (Out of 100)

Andaman & Nicobar NA NA NA NA
Andhra Pradesh 41.43 32.95 48.10 50.98
Arunachal Pradesh NA 32.70 NA 40.03
Assam 43.40 38.48 44.20 49.83
Bihar 36.60 35.28 49.10 51.78
Chandigarh 43.63 NA 48.38 55.18
Chattisgarh 34.55 26.38 48.05 49.88
Dadar & Nagar Haveli NA NA NA 44.25
Daman & Diu NA NA 37.80 37.93
New Delhi 44.35 39.18 50.60 55.83
Goa 39.93 NA 48.10 48.93
Gujarat 39.83 25.08 42.30 48.45
Haryana 44.18 NA 50.3 56.43
Himachal Pradesh 40.28 40.38 45.15 53.50
Jammu & Kashmir 49.35 33.48 44 54.93
Jharkhand 28.93 26.53 46.03 50.63
Karnataka 42.78 36.83 48.80 51.95
Kerala 49.68 28.85 51.50 53.58
Lakshadweep NA NA NA 46.45
Madhya Pradesh 37.33 27.78 47.05 51.18
Maharashtra 46.10 33.93 48.20 50.08
Manipur NA 45.53 NA 49.05
Meghalaya NA 31.95 NA 39.70
Mizoram NA 37.63 NA 54.73
Nagaland NA 44.30 NA 45.45
Odisha 37.90 24.68 49.78 51.28
Puducherry 41.55 NA 51.25 51.25
Punjab 40.88 NA 48.35 56.58
Rajasthan 40.88 31.75 51.23 53.18
Sikkim NA 41.53 45.78 45.78
Tamil Nadu 43.95 32.55 52.35 52.43
Telangana 43.53 37.23 49.50 51.75
Tripura 35.68 32.88 NA 50.33
Uttar Pradesh 37.13 27.80 44.88 51.45
Uttarakhand 41.15 45.45 44.55 52.50
West Bengal 40.73 34.73 44.20 53.28

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 Cut off Marks

Section-wise cutoff of IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017

Category Name of the Section
English Language Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude
General 9.50 14.50 13.50
OBC/ SC/ ST 6.50 10.00 9.25

IBPS Clerk Prelims State-wise Cut Off 2017 – State-wise

State Overall Cutoff Marks (Out of 100)
General OBC SC ST
Telangana 69.75 69.75
Andhra Pradesh 73.50 73.50
Uttar Pradesh 76.25 72.25 62.75
Assam 70.75
Bihar 74.75
Rajasthan 73.25 73.25 56.00
Madhya Pradesh 74.25 72.50 62.25
Gujarat 67.00 67.00
Maharashtra 64.50 64.50
Delhi 76.75 71.25 56.75
Haryana 76.00 69.75
Odisha 76.50 64.50 52.50
Uttarakhand 78.75 72.00
Tamil Nadu 53.25 53.25
Karnataka 61.25 61.25
Punjab 74.00 61.25 59.25
Kerala 77.00 77.00
Jharkhand 74.50 74.50
West Bengal 77.25
Daman and Diu 70.75
Himachal Pradesh 76.00
Nagaland 43.75
Chattisgarh 70.25
Chandigarh 74.00
Jammu & Kashmir 76.00

IBPS Clerk Main Cut off 2017 – State-wise

IBPS Clerk Cut-Off (Minimum Scores) 2017-18:
Andaman & Nicobar NA NA NA NA
Andhra Pradesh 40.27 31.84 48.31 50.78
Arunachal Pradesh NA 41.49 NA 46.43
Assam 40.79 36.16 43.43 47.17
Bihar 38.86 37.27 50.95 53.43
Chandigarh 46.39 NA 47.95 54.07
Chattisgarh 39.46 24.49 50.34 50.43
Dadar & Nagar Haweli NA NA NA 39.02
Daman & Diu NA NA 36.91 45.92
Delhi 42.58 38.03 47.81 53.82
Goa NA 24.43 44.07 44.70
Gujarat 39.95 23.62 44.04 47.53
Haryana 39.21 NA 46.81 52.72
Himachal Pradesh 43.91 40.74 43.17 52.88
Jammu & Kashmir NA 35.74 42.71 52.31
Jharkhand 34.24 31.02 46.21 47.29
Karnataka 36.77 31.41 43.67 44.56
Kerala 40.68 30.85 50.52 52.32
Lakshadweep NA NA NA NA
Madhya Pradesh 36.43 26.63 45.03 48.89
Maharashtra 42.91 26.32 43.93 45.95
Manipur 45.77 41.74 62.36 44.21
Meghalaya NA 38.31 37.82 39.09
Mizoram NA NA NA 40.79
Nagaland NA 39.74 NA 40.45
Odisha 37.07 31.32 50.64 51.22
Puducherry 41.27 NA 47.47 48.06
Punjab 37.88 NA 45.22 53.16
Rajasthan 38.28 34.70 48.17 52.93
Sikkim NA NA 47.21 49.67
Tamil Nadu 39.39 35.29 48.27 48.49
Telangana 40.18 34.17 48.72 49.97
Tripura 45.68 28.50 NA 48.86
Uttar Pradesh 37.20 33.53 44.24 51.13
Uttarakhand 40.16 38.11 47.11 53.16
West Bengal 42.14 35.95 45.06 54.47

Official IBPS Clerk Cut Off For 2016


1. Andhra Pradesh 73 73
2. Assam 71.25 57
3. Bihar 67.50 67.50 52.25
4. Maharashtra 59.25 59.25
5. Madhya Pradesh 65.75 65.75 41.50
6. Meghalaya 65.75
7. Odisha 70.75
8. Punjab 66.50
9. Karnataka 58.25 53.75
10. Gujarat 58.75
11. Haryana 68.00 61.50
12. Jammu & Kashmir 68.75
13. Jharkhand 70.75 70.75
14. Chhattisgarh 63.50 52.25
15. Delhi 67.25
16. Himachal Pradesh 66.50
17. Rajasthan 66.75
18. Tamil Nadu 58 58
19. Telangana 65
20. Kerala 71 71
21. Uttar Pradesh 67.75 63.75
22. Tripura 60
21. Uttarakhand 71.25
22. West Bengal 70.50


States Category
Andaman & Nicobar NA 20.03 31.22 36.97
Andhra Pradesh 31.28 25.35 38.66 39.16
Arunchal Pradesh 31.47 27.32 35.16 29.82
Assam 32.82 29.41 32.16 37.32
Bihar 28.69 25.94 36.57 38.41
Chandigarh 28.28 NA 30.07 37.97
Chhattisgarh 28.35 19.50 37.41 38.72
Dadra & Nagar Haveli NA NA NA 33.94
Daman & Diu NA NA NA 30.60
Delhi 33.69 27.03 35.75 42.41
Goa NA 11.82 25.22 23.94
Gujrat 34.22 19.66 33.32 35.94
Haryana 25.72 17.88 34.72 40.97
Himachal Pradesh 30.47 29.32 34.00 40.47
Jammu & Kashmir 35.41 27.07 29.16 40.28
Jharkhand 23.28 17.25 34.60 37.10
Karnataka 28.50 24.50 34.53 36.10
Kerala 29.78 20.69 40.03 42.03
Lakshdweep NA NA NA 27.85
29.25 21.10 33.94 38.35
Maharashtra 33.94 19.32 33.72 35.47
Manipur NA 29.63 38.63 33.44
Meghalaya NA 28.28 37.25
Mizoram NA 31.44 25.66
Nagaland NA 27.57 35.69
Odisha 28.75 20.41 37.66 38.78
Punducherry 28.03 NA 36.66 37.38
Punjab 26.72 23.88 32.63 40.28
Rajasthan 27.53 22.53 37.69 39.69
Sikkim NA 29.72 31.50 35.19
Tamil Nadu 32.50 30.69 39.82 39.88
Telangana 31.28 26.47 38.31 38.13
Tripura 31.94 24.63 NA 38.78
27.75 21.53 34.22 39.28
Uttarakhand 27.94 26.35 33.10 40.50
West Bengal 30.41 24.00 33.03 40.47



IBPS Clerk 2021 Complete Question Paper, Study Material, Books, Cutoff Marks, Notification, Study Plan

Important Links For IBPS Clerk Preparation 2021  Links Below
IBPS Clerk Recruitment Notification 2021 Click Here
100+ IBPS Clerk Previous Year Papers: Download PDF Click Here
IBPS Clerk Previous Year Cut Off Marks Prelims | Mains : 2020 |2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 Click Here
IBPS Clerk Prelims | Mains Exam Pattern In Detail Click Here
IBPS Clerk Prelims | Mains Exam Syllabus In Detail Click Here
How To Crack IBPS Clerk Exam in 60 Days : Complete Study Plan & Strategy
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Best Study Plan For IBPS Clerk 2021 Preparation : IBPS Clerk Exam Strategy Click Here
Best Books For IBPS Clerk Exam Preparation – Quant | Reasoning | English | GA Pdfs Click Here
IBPS Clerk Study Material Book PDF – Quant | Reasoning | English | General Awareness | Computer – Download PDF Now Click Here


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