River Side Major World Cities: Static General Knowledge


General Awareness is considered to be the high scoring section in any competitive exam. It includes two main portions, current affairs GK and static GK. In this article, we will discuss some really important Static GK topics that are covered in almost all competitive exams. Also, you can download the PDF of lists of different Static GK topics

Static Gk connotes general knowledge about the static facts, the facts that are never going to change in the future. Facts in Static GK covers people, places, things, important days, currencies, dances etc. Like history, static GK also never changes with time.

List of Important River Side Major World Cities

City  River  Country
Adelaide Torrens Australia
Al-Cairo  Nile  Egypt
Alexandria Nile Egypt
Amsterdam Amsel Netherlands
Ankara Kazil Turkey
Bagdad  Tigris  Iraq
Bangkok Chao Praya Thailand
Basra  Shatt-al-Arab (Elupharates and Tigris)  Iraq
Belgrade  Confluence of the Sava and Danube  Serbia
Berlin  Spree and Havel  Germany
Berlin Spree Germany
Bonn Rhine Germany
Bristol Avon UK
Budapest  Danube  Hungary
Budapest Danube Hungary
Buenos Aires  Río de la Plata  Argentina
Buenos Alres Laplata Argentina
Cairo Nile Egypt
Canton Si-Kiang China
Caracas  Guaire  Venezuela
Chittagong Maiyani Bangladesh
Chung King Yang-tse-king China
Cologne  Rhine  Germany
Cologne Rhine Germany
Dandzing Vistula Germany
Delhi  Yamuna  India
Dresden  Elbe  Germany
Dublin Liffy Ireland
Hamburg  Elbe  Germany
Kabul Kabul Afghanistan
Karachi  Indus  Pakistan
Khartoum  Confluence of the White Nile and the Blue Nile  Sudan
Lahore  Ravi  Pakistan
Leningrad Neva Russia
Lisbon Tagus Portugal
Liverpool Messey England
London  Thames  England
Montreal  Confluence of the Saint Lawrence and Ottawa  Canada
Moscow Moskva Russia
Nanking Yang-tse-kiang China
New Orelans Mississipi U.S.A.
New York Hudson U.S.A.
Ottawa Ottawa Canada
Paris  Seine  France
Perth Swan Australia
Philadelphia Delaware U.S.A.
Prague Vitava Czech Republic
Quebec  Saint Lawrence  Canada
Rome  Tiber  Italy
Rotterdam New mass The Netherlands
Saint Luis Mississippi U.S.A.
Shanghai Yang-tse-kiang China
Sidney Darling Australia
Stalingrad Volga Russia
Tokyo Arakava Japan
Vienna  Danube  Austria
Warsaw Vistula Poland
Washington D.C. Potomac U.S.A.
Yangon  Convergence of the Yangon and Bago Rivers(Irawaddy)  Myanmar

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