IBPS RRB VIII Reserve List Result 2019 for Office Assistant, Officer Scale-I, II and III Released


IBPS RRB VIII Reserve List

IBPS has released the links for provisional allotment under reserve list for IBPS RBB VIII recruitment of Officer Scale-I, Scale-II, Scale-III and Office Assistants. The results link are active now. Candidates who have been waiting for the reserve list results can click on the official links given below.

IBPS RRB Reserve List


IBPS RRB VIII Reserve List 2019 Result

Candidates have been waiting a long time for the announcement of the reserve list’s result. Now you can finally check IBPS RRB Result :

IBPS RRB VIII Provisional Allotment Under Reserve List for Officer Scale-I

IBPS RRB VIII Provisional Allotment Under Reserve List for Office Assistants

IBPS RRB VIII Provisional Allotment Under Reserve List for Officer Scale-II (GBO)

IBPS RRB VIII Provisional Allotment Under Reserve List for Officer Scale-II (SO)

IBPS RRB VIII Provisional Allotment Under Reserve List for Officer Scale-III

IBPS RRB VIII Reserve List 2020: Steps to Check

Follow the given steps to check your IBPS RRB Reserve List Result:

  1. Visit ibps.in
  2. Click on the link below of IBPS RRB Reserve List Result for Clerk or PO.
  3. Enter the credentials, Registration Number / Roll Number and Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) as password
  4. Enter Captcha
  5. Click on the Login Button
  6. The Result will be displayed.
  7. Save the document for future purpose.


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