IBPS RRB 2020 Exam: FAQs


IBPS RRB 2020 Exam: FAQs


Q1. When will IBPS RRB PO 2020 Exam be conducted?
Ans: IBPS RRB PO (Officer Scale-I) 2020 prelims exam is tentatively scheduled in September/October 2020, while the mains examination will be held in October/ November 2020.

Q2. When will IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Clerk) 2020 Exam be conducted?
Ans: IBPS RRB Clerk (Office Assistant) 2020 prelims exam is tentatively scheduled in September/October 2020, while the mains examination will be conducted in October/ November 2020.

Q3. When the official notification of IBPS RRB 2020-21 exam be released?
Ans: The official notification for IBPS RRB 2020-21 exam has been released on 30th June 2020.

Q4. Is the IBPS RRB 2020 exam Bilingual?
Ans: All tests are bilingual, i.e. available according to state official language along with Hindi & English. A candidate can choose their official language or Hindi Language or English Language.

Q5. Is there Any Negative Marking in IBPS RRB PO & Clerk Online Exam?
Ans: Yes, there is a negative marking for wrong answers in both Preliminary & Mains exams of IBPS RRB. 1/4th of the total marks will be deducted for the question marked wrong by the candidate.

Q6. Are there fixed timings for different sections in IBPS RRB Prelims Exam?
Ans: No, there is no sectional timing in IBPS RRB PO & Clerk Exams. The total time duration of the prelims exam is 45 minutes.

To Download Official Notification:

Read More:

  1. IBPS RRB 2020: Notification Out
  2. IBPS RRB 2020: How to Apply
  3. IBPS RRB 2020: Important Dates
  5. IBPS RRB 2020: Exam Pattern
  6. IBPS RRB 2020: Syllabus
  7. IBPS RRB 2020: Vacancies

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