IBPS PO IX Final Cut off 2020 | Final Cutoff : Check Here


Dear Readers,

Recently IBPS has released the IBPS PO IX provisional allotment 2019-2020. Added to that, IBPS has announced the IBPS PO IX final cut off marks 2019-2020. Based on the IBPS PO IX final selection cutoff, candidates are selected. Aspirants can download the IBPS PO IX Final Cut off Marks 2019-2020 from below mentioned link. So, candidates who have to expect the IBPS CRP IX final selection cutoff can refer the cutoff pdf to know about the final selection cut off marks.

The cut-off marks are the minimum scoring marks which a candidate has to score for qualifying the exam, both at the sectional and overall level of exam. Only the candidates with marks above the cut-off are eligible to appear in the next level of examination. For calculating IBPS PO cut off marks, the factors that are to be kept into consideration include the previous year cut off, the difficulty level of examination, number of vacancies, and the total number of candidates who appeared in the examination.

IBPS PO Final cut-Off 2020 

Maximum Scores 47.07 50.80 50.22 48.98 60.58 46.38 53.16 42.33 42.04
Minimum Scores 36.02 33.24 40.27 40.82 44.44 36.00 42.18 26.36 28.80


IBPS PO Mains Cut-off for 2019-20 has been released and below is the category wise cut-off marks for qualifying the exam. IBPS PO releases cut-off marks separately as per their category and this is applicable for both sectional and final cut-off list. 

Sno Category Marks (Out of 225)
1 General  71.25
2 SC 55.63
3 ST 38.13
4 OBC 70.25
5 EWS 65.88


Section-wise IBPS PO Mains Cut off (General Category)

Subject 2019-20
English language 14.25
Data Analysis & Interpretation 5.25
Reasoning Ability 7.75
General Awareness 8
Descriptive Paper 10

Section-wise IBPS PO Mains Cut off (SC/ST/PWBD/OBC)

Subject 2019-20
English language 10.75
Data Analysis & Interpretation 2.50
Reasoning Ability 5.50
General Awareness 5
Descriptive Paper 8.75

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