Famous Food Festival around the World: Static General Knowledge


General Awareness is considered to be the high scoring section in any competitive exam. It includes two main portions, current affairs GK and static GK. In this article, we will discuss some really important Static GK topics that are covered in almost all competitive exams. Also, you can download the PDF of lists of different Static GK topics

Static Gk connotes general knowledge about the static facts, the facts that are never going to change in the future. Facts in Static GK covers people, places, things, important days, currencies, dances etc. Like history, static GK also never changes with time.

List of Famous Food Festival around the World

Name Place
Pizzafest Naples, Italy
Oktoberfest Germany
Bacon Festival  Sacramento, California
Salon Du Chocolat  Quito, Ecuador
Dumpling Festival  Hong Kong
National Cherry Festival  Traverse City, Michigan
Herring Festival  vide Sande, Denmark
Vegetarian Festival  Phuket, Thailand
National Street Food Festival New Delhi, India
Maslenitsa Pancake Festival  St. Petersburg and Moscow
St. Moritz Gourmet Festival  St. Moritz, Switzerland
Melbourne Food and Wine Festival  Victoria, Australia
New Orleans Wine & Food Experience  New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Maine Lobster Festival S Main St, Rockland, ME, USA
Gilroy Garlic Festival  Christmas Hill Park, Gilroy, California
Giant Omelet Celebration  Bessieres, France
Bugfest North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
Olney Pancake Race Olney, England
Monkey Buffet Festival Lopburi, Thailand
Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling Cooper’s Hill, Brockworth, Gloucester, England

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