Current Affairs One Liner December 2020 for RRB NTPC, SBI PO, SBI Apprentice, IBPS PO & Clerk


Current Affairs One Liner December 2020

Dear Readers,

The current affair is one of the most important sections that cannot be missed at any cost. No matter which exam you are preparing for, in mains you will see a General awareness section that will be dominated by the Current Affairs. Question is how can one ace this section that is so vast with an undefined syllabus. The key is to practice the current affairs on the Daily, Weekly, and then on a monthly basis. In this space, we will be covering all the study material related to the Current affairs of December Month. Use the sources in this space to get an edge in this section over other students.

In this post we are providing you free pdf of Current Affairs One Liner December 2020 which will be useful for exams like RRB NTPC, SBI PO, SBI Apprentice, IBPS PO & Clerk.

Current Affairs One Liner December 2020

Importance of Current Affairs:

Current Affairs refers to the day-to-day happenings that are of National and International importance common for Competitive Exams like Bank exam, Railways exam etc. Current Affairs plays an important role both in accelerating and decelerating a student’s score. Importance of Current Affairs: Current Affairs refers to the day-to-day happenings that are of National and International importance common for Competitive Exams like Bank exam, Railways exam etc. Current Affairs plays an important role both in accelerating and decelerating a student’s score.

Importance of Monthly Current Affairs One Liner December 2020 PDF

We have consolidated the Monthly Current Affairs One Liner December 2020 PDF for making the learning process of the aspirant a much easier one. You can find below the Monthly Current Affairs One Liner December 2020 PDF. Aspirants who are preparing for the IBPS, SBI, Insurance, and all other competitive Exams can make use of it.

It is not possible to read newspapers each day and to gather every important news daily. But you can prepare by simple reading month-wise current affairs PDF here. This Current Affairs One Liner December 2020 PDF provides you with the latest current affair events that are important for banking, IBPS, RRB, SBI, Railways, insurance, SSC, UPSC and other competitive exams.

It covers various sections like banking & finances current events 2020, appointments, schemes, Budget and taxes, Important days, Indian and international affairs 2020, defence news, political affairs, awards, sports news and many for competitive exams.

Topics of Monthly Current Affairs One Liner December 2020 PDF:

1) Recently New Appointments
2) Banks in NEWS
3) The economy based on current affairs
4) Business News
5) Visits
6) Government schemes
7) Awards and Honors
8) Summits
9) Committees
10) Books & Author
11) Defense
12) Sports


Read More:

1. Complete GK/GS Preparation Bag Click Here
2. Static Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
3. English Preparation Bag Click Here
4. Banking Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
5. Data Interpretation Preparation Bag Click Here
6. Quant Preparation Bag Click Here
7. Computer Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
8. Reasoning Preparation Bag Click Here
9. Daily Current Affairs Click Here
10. Monthly Current Affairs PDF Click Here
11. Daily Current Affairs Quiz Click Here


How To Download the Current Affairs One Liner December 2020 PDF?

Follow below steps to download our Current Affairs One Liner December 2020:

Step 1: Click on the download now button. You will be taken to ExamsCart download page.

Step 2: On that topic page click on save button.

Step 3: After that click on that link than automatically the pdf will be downloaded. If it doesn’t start automatically than save it manually in the drive.

Support us by sharing these pdf among your friends so that they will also get benefit from these Current Affairs Capsule December 2020. If you have any question or suggestion, please feel free to write it in the comments section below.

Thank You.



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