Central Bank Names Of Different Countries: Static General Knowledge


General Awareness is considered to be the high scoring section in any competitive exam. It includes two main portions, current affairs GK and static GK. In this article, we will discuss some really important Static GK topics that are covered in almost all competitive exams. Also, you can download the PDF of lists of different Static GK topics

Static Gk connotes general knowledge about the static facts, the facts that are never going to change in the future. Facts in Static GK covers people, places, things, important days, currencies, dances etc. Like history, static GK also never changes with time.

List Of Central Bank Names Of Different Countries

AFGHANISTAN: Bank of Afghanistan KENYA: Central Bank of Kenya
ARGENTINA: Central Bank of Argentina KOREA: Republic Bank of Korea
AUSTRALIA: Reserve Bank of Australia KYRGYZSTAN: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
AUSTRIA: European Central bank LIBYA: Central Bank of Libya
AZERBAIJAN: Central Bank of the Rep. of Azerbaijan MALAYSIA: Bank Negara Malaysia
BANGLADESH Central Bank of Bangladesh MALDIVES: Maldives Monetary Authority
BERMUDA: Bermuda Monetary Authority MALI: Central Bank of West African States
BHUTAN: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan MAURITIUS: Central Bank of Mauritius
BOLIVIA: Central Bank of Bolivia MEXICO: Bank of Mexico
BRAZIL: Central Bank of Brazil MONGOLIA: Bank of Mongolia
CAMBODIA: National Bank of Cambodia MOROCCO: Bank of Morocco
CANADA: Bank of Canada MYANMAR: Central Bank of Myanmar
CHAD: Commercial Bank Chad NETHERLANDS: European Central Bank
CHILE: Central Bank of Chile NEW ZEALAND: Reserve Bank of NewZealand
CHINA: People’s Bank of China PAKISTAN: State Bank of Pakistan
COLOMBIA: Central Bank of Colombia PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Bank of Papua New guinea
CUBA: Central Bank of Cuba PERU: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
CYPRUS: European Central Bank PHILIPPINES: BangkoSentral ng Pilipinas
DENMARK: National Bank of Denmark QATAR: Qatar Central Bank
EGYPT: Central Bank of Egypt RUSSIA: Bank of Russia
FIJI: Reserve Bank of Fiji SAUDI ARABIA: Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority
FINLAND: European Central Bank SEYCHELLES: Central Bank of Seychelles
FRANCE: European Central Bank SINGAPORE: Monetary Authority of Singapore
GEORGIA: National Bankof Georgia SLOVENIA: European Central Bank
GERMANY: European Central Bank SOUTH AFRICA: South African Reserve Bank
GHANA: Bank of Ghana SOUTH KOREA: Bank of Korea
GREECE: European Central Bank SPAIN: European Central Bank
GUINEA: Central Bank of the Rep. of Guinea SRI LANKA: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
HUNGARY: Central Bank of Hungary SWEDEN: The Riksbank
ICELAND: Central Bank of Iceland SWITZERLAND: Swiss National Bank
INDIA: Reserve Bank of India TAIWAN: Central Bank of the Rep. of China
INDONESIA: Bank Indonesia TAJIKISTAN: National Bank of Tajikistan
IRAN: Central Bank of Islamic Rep. of Iran THAILAND: Bank of Thailand
IRAQ: Central Bank of Iraq TURKEY: Central Bank of Republic of Turkey
IRELAND: European Central Bank TURKMENISTAN: Central Bank of Turkmenistan
ISRAEL: Bank of Israel UAE: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
ITALY: European Central Bank UK: Bank of England
JAPAN: Bank of Japan USA: Federal Reserve
JORDAN: Central Bank of Jordan UZBEKISTAN: Central Bank of the Rep. of Uzbekistan
KAZAKHSTAN: National Bank of Kazakhstan VIETNAM: State Bank of Vietnam

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