Banking Awareness Study Notes on Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA)


Banking Awareness is considered to be the high scoring section in any competitive exam. It includes two main portions, current affairs GK and static GK. In this article, we will discuss some really important Banking Awareness topics that are covered in almost all competitive exams. Also, you can download the PDF of lists of different Banking Awareness topics.

 In Banking Section, the questions are asked from following topics: History of Banking, banking terms, Marketing of Banking Products, Functions of Banks, Banks and their taglines, schemes, committees related to banking, headquarters of bank, some Banking news related, apps launched by banks, new schemes etc. 

In a series of sharing useful study material for upcoming banking exams. Here, we are providing Banking Awareness notes for all banking Exams (IBPS, SBI & Other Banking Exams).

Banking Awareness Study Notes on Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA)

The Government of India formulated FEMA or Foreign Exchange Management Act to encourage the external payments and across the border trades in India. It was formulated in the year 1999 while it replaced FERA (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act). This was meant to close all the loopholes and drawback of FERA and hence major economic reforms were introduced under this act. It was primarily formulated to de-regularize and have liberal Indian economy.

Objectives of FEMA

The main objective of FEMA was to help facilitate external trade and payments in India. It was also meant to help orderly development and maintenance of foreign exchange market in India. It defines the procedures, formalities, dealings of all foreignexchange transactions in India. These transactions are mainly classified under two categories — Current Account Transactions and Capital Account Transactions.

FEMA is applicable to all parts of India and was primarily formulated to utilize the foreign exchange resources in efficient manner. It is also equally applicable to the offices and agencies which are located outside India however is managed or owned by an Indian Citizen. FEMA head office is known as Enforcement Directorate and is situated in heart of city of Delhi.

Applicability of FEMA Act

  • exports of any foods and services from India to outside, foreign currency, that is any currency other than Indian currency, 
  • foreign exchange, 
  • foreign security, 
  • Imports of goods and services from outside India to India,
  • securities as defined in Public Debt Act 1994, 
  • banking, financial and insurance services, 
  • sale, purchase and exchange of any kind (i.e. Transfer), 
  • any overseas company that is owned 60% or more by an NRI (Non Resident Indian) and
  • any citizen of India, residing in the country or outside (NRI)

Major Provisions of FEMA Act 1999

Here are major provisions that are part of FEMA (1999) –

  • Free transactions on current account subject to reasonable restrictions that may be imposed.
  • RBI controls over capital account transactions.
  • Control over realization of export proceeds. 
  • Dealing in foreign exchange through authorized persons like authorized dealer or money changer etc.
  • Appeal provision including Special Director (Appeals)
  • Directorate of enforcement
  • Any person can sell or withdraw foreign exchange, without any prior permission from RBI and then can inform RBI later. 
  • Enforcement Directorate will be more investigative in nature
  • FEMA recognized the possibility of Capital Account convertibility.
  • The violation of FEMA is a civil offence.
  • FEMA is more concerned with the management rather than regulations or control.
  • FEMA is regulatory mechanism that enables RBI and Central Government to pass regulations and rules relating to foreign exchange in tune with foreign trade policy of India.

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