Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC and SSC CHSL, CGL: Set 35


Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC and SSC CHSL

In this post we are providing you with the daily Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC and SSC Exams. Attempt Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway daily, analyze your score and revise the topics that are refraining you from scoring full marks in this section. 

Reasoning section contributes majorly in the SSC Exams especially the Tier 1 exams. Candidates must practice the reasoning section thoroughly to make sure you can not miss scoring high marks in this particular section. So, here we are providing Daily Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC and SSC Exams.

Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC and SSC

Reasoning Quiz for RRB NTPC and SSC: Set 35


1. ‘School’ is related to ‘Principal’ in the same way as ‘Office’ is related to:
a) Manager
b) Computer
c) Teacher
d) Files


Answer (a)
: Principal is head of the school; Similarly Manager is the head of the office.


2. ‘Divorce’ is related to ‘Marriage’ in the same way as ‘False’ is related to:
a) Fiction
b) Lie
c) True
d) Story


Answer (c)
: Marriage is opposite to divorce, Similarly True is opposite to false.


3. Out of the four options given below, three are of a kind while one does not belong to the group. Choose the one which is unlike the others.
a) Chili
b) Potato
c) Brinjal
d) Tomato


: Expect Potato all other are grown above ground while Potato is grown in underground.


4. What will come in place of the question mark in the following number series?

15, 45, 135, 405, ?, 3645

a) 945
b) 650
c) 550
d) 1215


Answer (d)
:  Each number is multiplied by 3.


5. In a certain code language ‘123’ stands for ‘I am servant’, ‘279’ stands for ‘servant always miserable’ and ‘684’ stands for ‘poverty is curse’, then which numeric value stands for ‘always’?
a) 6
b) 7
c) 4
d) Cannot be determined


Answer (d)


6. Given question have some statements and some conclusions. Choose the conclusion that logically follows:
Statements: All powers are heats. Some forces are heats. All forces are energies.

I. At least some heats are energies.
II. No power is a force.

a) Only conclusion I is true
b) Only conclusion II is true
c) Both conclusion I and II are true
d) Either conclusion I or II is true


Answer (a)


7. If U + V means U is the brother of V, W – X means W is the father of S, X ÷ Y means X is the sister of Y, Y × Z means Z is the mother of Y. Which of the following means that N is the mother of O?
a) L + M ÷ N × O
b) L – M × O ÷ P
c) M + L ÷ O × N
d) N ÷ M × L ÷ O


Answer (c)
:  M + L ÷ O × N means M is the brother of L and L is the sister of O and N is the mother of O.


8. Answer the question on the basis of the information given below.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing center. H is fourth to the left of B and second to the right of F. A is third to the left of C, who is not an immediate neighbor of F. G is second to the left of A. D is second to the right of E.
Who is on the immediate right of F?
a) H
b) A
c) G
d) E


Answer (b)
: Correct answer is option b)


9. From his house, Pradeep went 25 km to the North. Then he turned west and covered 15 km. Then, he turned south and covered 10 km. Finally, turned to East, he covered 15 km. In which direction is he from his house?
a) North
b) South
c) West
d) East


Answer (a)


10. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the last?
a) Efflorescent
b) Entry
c) Entreat
d) Ensure


Answer (b)
:  Efflorescent, Ensure, Entreat, Entry


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