Quantitative Aptitude Quiz
SSC, Railways & many other government job exams are scheduled to be held in the upcoming months. Arithmetic covers an important part of the exam and hence it must be prepared thoroughly. It needs complete understanding of the basic concepts along with thorough understanding. This page will provide you all the Quantitative Aptitude Quiz of various exams such as RRB NTPC, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS etc. Practice the Quantitative Aptitude Quiz given below and surpass the high cut off marks in the exam.
ExamsCart is providing free quizzes to help all the aspirants with the SSC & Railway Quantitative Aptitude section by providing links to attempt Quantitative Aptitude Quiz. You can attempt quizzes as per the exam interface before the actual exam by attempting the quizzes on the web browser. It’s time to pull up your socks and burn the midnight oil by practicing the SSC Quantitative Aptitude quiz daily.
Quantitative Aptitude Quiz: Set 4
Q1. Mohd. Sameer invested a sum on simple interest for 8 years and earned Rs. 47500 as interest. For the first 5 years the rate of interest is 10% P.A and 15% PA for the next 3 years. What is sum that Mohd. Sameer invested?
(a) 65000 Rs.
(b) 50,000 Rs.
(c) 55,000 Rs.
(d) None of these
Q2. Tap 0 can till a tank in 20 hours and tap M can till the tank in 35 hours. Both the taps are opened on alternate hours and tap M is opened first, then in how much time the tank will be full?
Q3. Aamir and Sayamadas undertook a work for Rs. 5600. Aamir alone can do the work in 5 days and Sayamadas can do the work in 9 days. If both of them started the work together, then what is the difference in the sum that they will receive?
(a) 1850
(b) 2450
(c) 1600
(d) 2100
Q4. Karunanidhi covered a certain distance by jeep at the speed of 40 km/hr and covers the same distance cycling back at the speed of 8 km/hr. If the whole journey took 12 hours, then what is the distance of one side?
(a) 80
(b) 65
(c) 70
(d) 110
Q5. Anthony invested Rs. 8000 in two parts. If the simple interest earned on first part at the rate of 21% PA is equal to the simple interest on second part at the rate of 35% pa. what is the interest of each part?
(a) 1090
(b) 1150
(c) 1050
(d) 1250
Q6. Bala and Gopala together can build a road in 8 days. Gopala and Ashwatthama build the same wall in 10 days and Ashwatthama and Shyama can build the same wall in 12 days. In how many days all the three can build the road?
Q7. Narendra starts from his house at the speed of 5 km/hr and reaches parliament 3 minutes late. Next day he starts at the same time and increases his speed by 4 km/hr and reaches 3 minutes early. What is the distance between his house and parliament?
(a) 1.75 km
(b) 1.25 km
(c) 1 km
(d) 1.5 km
Q8. If a manufacturer gains 10 percent, wholesaler 15 percent and retailer 25 percent, then the production cost of an article, whose retail price is Rs. 1,265 is
(a) Rs. 700
(b) Rs. 750
(c) Rs. 800
(d) Rs. 900
Q9. Partha earns 15 percent on an investment but loses 10 percent on another investment. If the ratio of two investments is 3 : 5, then the combined loss percent is
(a) 5/4
(b) 4/5
(c) 8/5
(d) 5/8
Q10. A candidate who scores 30 percent fails by 5 marks, while another candidate who scores 40 percent marks gets 10 more than minimum pass marks. The minimum marks required to pass are
(a) 50
(b) 70
(c) 100
(d) 150
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