Computer Awareness Quiz: Set 191


Computer Awareness Quiz

If you are preparing for banking examination, you must know the importance of computer awareness. Computer Technology has its application in almost every field. All the banking activities take place with the help of computer technology, so it is but obvious to be a part of question paper. Computer is the key component of SSC, Railway, upsc and other Competitive exams. Computer Awareness Quiz comprises of important Questions for Competitive exams.

The Computer Awareness or Computer Knowledge section is common to most of the Government and Banking recruitment tests. This section can be a game changer because the questions asked here are pretty easy, relating to basics, acronyms, shortcut keys, etc. Despite its significance, the section is often overlooked by aspirants. Considering the extreme competition where you cannot afford to lose 1/4th of marks, here we bring to you Computer Awareness Quiz to help you prepare for upcoming exams like, IBPS RRB Assistant, RRB PO, NABARD Assistant, NIACL Assistant and many more, without putting any extra effort. Keeping this in mind we have compiled a quiz on Computer. Attempt our quiz to test your preparation level.

Computer Awareness Quiz 2021

Computer Awareness Quiz: Set 191


1. To insert a new slide in a presentation, press _______.
2. Drop Cap offers _______ positions in settings.
(A) 3 
(B) 6 
(C) 2 
(D) 5 
(E) 1
3. The feature of Word that automatically adjusts the amount of space between certain combination of characters so that an entire word looks more evenly spaced is termed as _______.
(A) Spacing 
(B) Kerning 
(C) Positioning 
(D) Scaling 
(E) Justifying
4. While recording a macro, the third step will be _____.
(A) Using your mouse or key-board, perform the task you want to automate
(B) Assign a keyboard shortcut to the macro 
(C) Give the macro a name
(D) Start recording 
(E) Select the location of macro on toolbar
5. ________ is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen.
(A) Centre Indent 
(B) Right Indent 
(C) Left Indent 
(D) Tab stop box 
(E) None of these
6. Which cannot be used to close the Word application ________.
(A) ALT+ F4 
(B) File > Close 
(C) File > Exit 
(D) X button in the word window 
(E) None of these
7. Excel workbook contains _____.
(A) Workbooks 
(B) Worksheets 
(C) Worksheets and charts 
(D) Work areas 
(E) All of these
8. Consolidate option does not offer ______ function.
(B) MAX 
(C) PMT 
(D) SUM 
(E) StDev
9. To see first row and first column in an excel sheet at all times even if you scroll till the end of sheet _____.
(A) Use workbook views feature 
(B) Use switch windows feature
(C) Use freeze panes feature 
(D) Use freeze row and freeze column option
(E) Use headings
10. NOW0 returns ________
(A) Current date 
(B) Current time 
(C) Current year 
(D) Current date and time 
(E) Current month



1. (B) CTRL+M  2. (A) 3 
3. (B) Kerning  4. (B) Assign a keyboard shortcut to the macro 
5. (A) Centre Indent  6. (B) File > Close 
7. (C) Worksheets and charts  8. (C) PMT 
9. (D) Use freeze row and freeze column option 10. (D) Current date and time 



Read More:

1. Complete GK/GS Preparation Bag Click Here
2. Static Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
3. English Preparation Bag Click Here
4. Banking Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
5. Data Interpretation Preparation Bag Click Here
6. Quant Preparation Bag Click Here
7. Computer Awareness Preparation Bag Click Here
8. Reasoning Preparation Bag Click Here
9. Daily Current Affairs Click Here
10. Monthly Current Affairs PDF Click Here
11. Daily Current Affairs Quiz Click Here



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