The Hindu Vocabulary – 29 June 2021


The Hindu Vocabulary: Vocabulary is a must for candidates appearing in any competitive examination. So here we bring you The Hindu Vocabulary on daily basis to increase vocab power and helps you in your preparation for many exams like Banking, Railway, Insurance, SSC, and other Government exams.

The Hindu Vocabulary includes the word with the meaning, synonyms, antonyms along with the example given in “THE HINDU” Editorial pages. As we all Know in English section the vocabulary comes from THE HINDU Newspapers in the most bank and competitive exams and it is very essential to read and memories vocab from The Hindu Vocabulary daily. You can easily learn The Hindu Vocabulary words form our ExamsCart App on regular basis.

The Hindu Vocabulary

1. NIMBLE (ADJECTIVE): (फुर्तीला): agile
Synonyms: lithe, sprightly
Antonyms: stiff
Example Sentence:
With a deft motion of her nimble fingers, she completed the task.

2. MORATORIUM (NOUN): (प्रतिबंध): embargo
Synonyms: ban, prohibition
Antonyms: renewal
Example Sentence:
There was a moratorium on the use of drift nets.

3. MYSTERIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (रहस्यमय): enigmatic
Synonyms: inscrutable, secretive
Antonyms: open
Example Sentence:
She was mysterious about herself but said plenty about her husband.

4. THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish
Synonyms: prosper, burgeon
Antonyms: fail, collapse
Example Sentence:
The entertainment industry has thrived in the recent decade.

5. SUBVERSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (विनाशक): disruptive
Synonyms: inflammatory, insurgent
Antonyms: loyal
Example Sentence:
He was seen as a potentially subversive man within the party.

6. CAPTIVATE (VERB): (मोह लेना): enthral
Synonyms: charm, enchant
Antonyms: repel
Example Sentence:
He was captivated by her beauty.

7. ABANDONED (ADJECTIVE): (असंयत): uninhibited
Synonyms: reckless, unrestrained
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:
He performed a wild, abandoned dance.

8. BUTTRESS (VERB): (समर्थन देना): strengthen
Synonyms: reinforce, fortify
Antonyms: weaken
Example Sentence:
He buttressed his idea by religious belief.

9. PROMINENT (ADJECTIVE):(अगोचर): conspicuous
Synonyms: noticeable, obvious
Antonyms: inconspicuous
Example Sentence:
The new housing estates are prominent landmarks.

10. DETENTION (NOUN): (क़ैद): custody
Synonyms: imprisonment, confinement
Antonyms: relinquishment
Example Sentence:
The fifteen people arrested were still in police detention.

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