List of Nuclear Power Plants in India: Static General Knowledge


General Awareness is considered to be the high scoring section in any competitive exam. It includes two main portions, current affairs GK and static GK. In this article, we will discuss some really important Static GK topics that are covered in almost all competitive exams. Also, you can download the PDF of lists of different Static GK topics

Static Gk connotes general knowledge about the static facts, the facts that are never going to change in the future. Facts in Static GK covers people, places, things, important days, currencies, dances etc. Like history, static GK also never changes with time.

List of Nuclear Power Plants in India

S.No. Name of Plant State
 1. Narora Nuclear Power plant Uttar Pradesh
 2. Rawatbhatta Nuclear Power plant Rajasthan
 3. Kakarpar Nuclear Power plant Gujarat
 4. Kaiga Nuclear Power plant Karnataka
 5. Kundankullam Nuclear Power plant Tamil Nadu
 6. Kalpakkam Nuclear Power plant Tamil Nadu
 7. Tarapur Nuclear Power plant Maharashtra

Under construction Nuclear Power plants

S.No. Name of Plant State Scheduled Date of Commercial Operation Expected Date of Commercial Operation
1. Rajasthan Unit 7 and 8 Rajasthan Unit 7: June 2016Unit 8: December 2016 Under Review
2. Kakrapar Unit 3 and 4 Gujarat Unit 3: Late 2016/ early 2017Unit 4: 2017 Under Review
3. Madras (Kalpakkam) Tamil Nadu ­__ March 2017
4. Kundankullam Tamil Nadu December 2008 Feb-2017

Planned Projects of Nuclear Power plants 

S.No. Name of Plant State
1. Jaitapur Nuclear Power plant Maharashtra
 2. Gorakhpur Nuclear Power plant Haryana
 3. Madras Nuclear Power plant Tamil Nadu
 4. Kovvada Nuclear Power plant Andhra Pradesh
 5. Mithi Virdi (Viradi) Nuclear Power plant Andhra Pradesh
 6. Haripur Nuclear Power plant Andhra Pradesh
 7. Bhimpur Nuclear Power plant Madhya Pradesh
 8. Mahi Banswara Nuclear Power plant Rajasthan
 9. Chutka Nuclear Power plant Madhya Pradesh

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