Important Inventions and Discoveries


Important Inventions and Discoveries

Difference between Discovery and Invention:

Discovery Invention
A discovery is recognizing something that already exists for the first time, that nobody has found before. The act of creation or designing of an object or a service that has not been found before is termed as an invention.
Discoveries are usually natural occurrences and are usually present in the world until discovered by somebody. Inventions are man-made or scientific occurrences of objects that exist due to the willpower and creation of human beings through experiments.
Discovery involves the process of exploration of the world around us. The invention involves the process of experimentation.
Discovery cannot be patented. An invention can be patented by its creator.
Discoveries usually occur by accident. Inventions usually occur in the process of creation.
Eg. Christopher Columbus discovered the America. Eg. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.


Important Inventions & Discoveries

List of Important Inventions and Discoveries with their Inventor’s name and year of invention given below in table:

Invention/Discovery Name of the Inventor Year of Invention
Atomic Number Mosley 1910s
Atomic Structure Bohr and Rutherford 1800s
Automatic Calculator Wilhelm Schickard 1623
Air Conditioner Willis Carrier 1902
Anemometer Leon Battista Alberti 1450
Atom Bomb Julius Robert Oppenheimer 1945
Aspirin Dr. Felix Hoffman 1899
Airplane Wilber and Orville Wright 1903
Adhesive tape Richard G. Drew 1923
Binomial Nomenclature Carl Linnaeus 1753
Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin 1779
Bakelite Leo H Baekeland 1909
Barometer Evangelista Torricelli 1643
Barbed Wire Joseph F. Glidden 1873
Blood Group Karl Lansdsteiner 1900s
Pedal Driven Bicycle Kirkpatrick Macmillan 1839
Chloroform Sir James Young Simpson 1847
Computer Charles Babbage 1822
Cement Joseph Aspdin 1824
Cine Camera Wm. Friese-Greene 1889
Circulation of blood William Harvey 1628
Clock Mechanical Hsing and Ling-Tsan 1725
Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel 1892
Centigrade Scale Anders Celsius 1742
Chlorine Carl Wilhelm Scheele 1774
Dynamite Alfred B. Nobel 1867
Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel 1895
Electric stove/cooker William S. Hadaway 1896
Electric Fan Schuyler Wheeler 1882
Electric Battery Volta 1800
Elevator Elisha G. Otis 1852
Electric Motor (DC) Thomas Davenport 1873
Electromagnet William Sturgeon 1824
Fountain Pen Petrache Poenaru 1827
Fluorine André-Marie Ampère 1810
Gramophone Thomas Edison 1878
Hydrogen Henry Cavendish 1766
Helicopter Igor Sikorsky 1939
Hovercraft Christopher Cockerell 1959
Hot Air Balloon Josef & Etienne Montgolfier 1783
Helium Jules Janssen 1868
Insulin Sir Frederick Banting 1923
Jet Engine Hans Von Ohain 1936
Lightning Conductor Benjamin Franklin 1752
Locomotive George Stephenson 1804
Laser Theodore Maiman 1960
Light Bulb Thomas Edison 1854
Motorcycle Gottlieb Daimler 1885
Microscope Zacharis Janssen 1590
Microphone Alexander Graham Bell 1876
Machine Gun Richard Gatling 1861
Neon Lamp Georges Claude 1915
Oxygen Joseph Priestley 1774
Ozone Christian Schonbein 1839
Piano Bartolomeo Cristofori 1700
Printing Press Johannes Gutenberg 1440
Parachute Louis-Sebastien Lenormand 1783
Polio Vaccine Jonas Edward Salk 1955
Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev 1869
Penicillin Alexander Fleming 1928
Pacemaker Rune Elmqvist 1952
Petrol for Motor Car Karl Benz 1885
Refrigerator William Cullen 1748
Radium Marie & Pierre Curie 1898
Rubber (vulcanized) Charles Goodyear 1841
Rocket Engine Robert H. Goddard 1926
Radio Guglielmo Marconi 1894
Richter Scale Charles Richter 1935
Ship (Turbine) Charles Parsons 1894
Steam Ship Robert Fulton 1807
Steam Boat Robert Fulton 1786
Submarine Cornelis Drebbel 1620
Stethoscope Rene Laennec 1816
Saxophone Adolphe Sax 1846
Sewing Machine Elias Howe 1846
Steam-Powered Airship Henri Giffard 1852
Soft Contact lenses Otto Wichterle 1961
Synthesizer Dr. Robert Arthur Moog 1964
Thermometer Galileo 1593
Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin 1858
Typewriter Christopher Latham Sholes 1868
Transistors John Bardeen, William Shockley & Walter Brattain 1948
Telephone Graham Bell 1874
Valve. Radio Sir J.A Fleming 1904
Vacuum Cleaner Hubert Cecil Booth 1901
Vitamin A Frederick Gowland Hpokins 1912
Vitamin B Christiaan Eijkman 1897
Vitamin C Albert Szent-Gyorgi 1928
Vitamin K Henrik Dam 1929
Vitamin E Herbert McLean Evans & Katherine Scott Bishop 1922
Windshield wipers Mary Anderson 1903
World Wide Web Tim Berners Lee with Robert Cailliau 1989
X-ray Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 1895
Xerox Machine Chester Carlson 1928


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